Biological traits of vascular plants

Biological traits of vascular plants

Biological Traits of Vascular Plants: A database.

The database contains biological vascular plants. It consists of a documentation, and a zip-file to download. The zip-file consists of the data table with the biological traits and a file with the literature references, both in the dbase IV-format. The documentation is also included (WORD 6.0 - format).

The database was published as: Michael Kleyer: Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. - Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie Univ. Stuttgart, N.F. Bd. 2. 1995. ISSN 0941-651X.

Actual state of the datebase
Number of species: 409
Number of literature references: 212
Last edit: March 5., 1996

ERRATUM: If a species lacks generative reproduction, it is generally classified as "...._NOS", meaning "NO SEEDS". This is not included in the written explanation of some datafields (FP, SP, LC, POL and TREP).

The database offers the possibility to extract the indicated literature for a given trait and species. It is recommended to check this reference. If the user agrees to the classification provided in this database, he is asked to quote it (eg.: Salisbury 1964, in Kleyer 1995).

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