Didactics of Biology
New publication: The Plastic Dilemma
Planspiel mit Lernsequenzen zum Thema "Plastik im Meer" für den Naturwissenschaftsunterricht der Sek. I und II
Plastic is omnipresent in almost all areas of our lives because it makes our everyday lives easier. At the same time, we are aware that we are creating a flood of plastic waste, which also ends up in the environment and the oceans to a large extent. How can we succeed in promoting a responsible and reflective approach to plastic and thus contribute to education for sustainable development?
A simulation game aims to provide an answer to this question: The fictitious city of Siebenstadt is faced with the question of how a responsible approach to plastic can succeed at the regional level. For this purpose, a committee of enquiry is convened to decide on the city's future handling of plastic. The committee members represent different interests and are invited to build up professional foundations and ethical arguments around the topic of plastic through experiments, research and discussions, which are then presented and weighed up in the committee meeting.
The simulation game is aimed at teachers, environmental educators and all those interested in promoting key scientific skills such as experimentation and argumentation in an application-oriented way in order to enable participation in social debates on the topic of plastics.
by Corinna Hößle, Antje Wichels, Holger Winkler, Laura Thiel, Christina Kieserg, Marie Fischer
Schneider Verlag Hohengehren GmbH, ISBN: 3834021377