
Information requests about the program:

Stephanie Voß 

Emely Meinke

Prof. Dr. Jutta Kretzberg

General questions regarding studies in Oldenburg:

Application Deadlines

Wintersemester 2025/2026

German/ EU degree: 15.07.2025

Non-EU degree: 30.04.2025


The program takes 2 years to achieve 120 ECTS credit points.

There are no obligatory courses in the M.Sc. Neuroscience program (except for the Master’s thesis) – you can design your own curriculum according to your interests within the following rules. The program requires 120 credit points (ECTS):

  • 30 ECTS (or more) Neuroscience background modules. These courses are mostly held as full-time blocks of 2 – 7 weeks length during lecture times (see module list), corresponding to 6 or 12 ECTS.
  • 15 ECTS (or more) Neuroscience research modules. These individual research projects (each 15 ECTS) in a neuroscience group in Oldenburg or externally at a different university or research center can usually be done with flexible timing.
  • 6 ECTS (or more) Neuroscience skills modules. These courses take place either as block courses during the semester breaks or use late afternoon time slots to make them compatible with the other modules.
  • 9 ECTS (or more) additional modules from the M.Sc. Neuroscience curriculum of any
  • 30 ECTS free choice – Any modules from the M.Sc. Neuroscience curriculum, or courses from other Master’s programs (i.e. M.Sc. Neurosciences at the University of Bremen, M.Sc. Neurocognitive Psychology, selected modules of other programs) or from studies abroad. Up to 6 ECTS (ungraded) can come from a language course.
  • 30 ECTS Master’s thesis.



Read more about the different Module Types and find further information and examples of different curricula according to individual preferences.

Types of Modules

Individual Curricula


Download the Handbook of Modules and the Examination Regulations (still valid 2021)

Handbook of Modules

official Examination Regulations ("Prüfungsordnung", German only

unofficial English translation of Examination Regulations

Read more about the application

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