Info und Anleitung Info and instruction
Embed -Suche einbinden search (Mit der Aktivierung der Google-Suche bestätigen Sie, dass Sie mit der Einbindung und der dazu erforderlichen Datenübermittlung an Google einverstanden sind.) (By activating Google Search, you confirm that you agree to the integration and the necessary data transfer to Google.)
Stephanie Voß (Program coordinator)
Emely Meinke (Administrator)
Advice and support
Student Body Molecular Biomedicine
M.Sc. Mol. Biomed. Infoportal
Detailed Information Overview
Non-German Degree Application
German Degree Application
INSTEP – International Study Entry Phase
Module Index (StudIP)
Research Project Index (StudIP)
Documents, Regulations and Forms (StudIP)
Feedback and Complaint Management
Admission Regulations 2023 (german)
Examination Regulations 2023 (german)
Examination Regulations 2023 (unofficial english version)
Handbook of Modules (2022)
Notification of Illness
Application for Grade Improvement
Application for Master Thesis
Informal Application BAföG (german)
Guidelines for Research Modules