Direkt zu den Arbeitsgruppen
Biodiversität und Evolution
- AG Biodiversität und Evolution der Pflanzen (Dirk Albach)
- AG Biodiversität und Evolution der Tiere (Gabriele Gerlach)
- AG Funktionelle Ökologie der Pflanzen (Gerhard Zotz)
- AG Marine Biodiversitätsforschung (Pedro Martinez Arbizu)
- AG Ökologische Genomik (Arne Nolte)
- AG Systematik und Evolutionsbiologie (Olaf Bininda-Emonds)
- AG Verhaltensgenomik (Miriam Liedvogel)
Didaktik der Biologie
Ehemalige Arbeitsgruppen
- AG Gewässerökologie und Naturschutz (Ellen Kiel)
- Landschaftsökologie (Michael Kleyer)
- Vegetationskunde und Naturschutz (Rainer Buchwald)
- AG Bodenkunde (Giani)
- AG Evolutionäre Genetik der Pflanzen (Sascha Laubinger)
- AG Biologiedidaktik (Kattmann)
- AG Genetik (Wackernagel)
- AG Hydrologie (Bormann)
- AG Molekulare Neurobiologie/Neurochemie (Richter-Landsberg)
- AG Pflanzenökologie (Janiesch)
- AG Physische Geographie und Kartographie (Hagen)
- AG Raumplanung (Peithmann)
- AG Zoosystematik und Morphologie (Schminke)
- AG Terrestrische Ökologie (Haeseler)
- AG Neurobiologie (Weiler)
Biodiversity and Evolution
- Biodiversity and Evolution of plants (Albach)
- Biodiversity and Evolution of animals (Gerlach)
- Functional Ecology of Plants (Zotz)
- Marine Biodiversity (Martínez Arbizu)
- Systematics and Evolutionary of Biology (Bininda-Emonds)
- Didactics of Biology (Hößle)
- Ecological Genomics (Nolte)
Microbiology and microbial Ecology
- General & molecular Microbiology (Rabus)
- Paleomicrobiology (Cypionka)
- Biologiy of Geological Processes (Simon)
- Planktology (Hillebrand)
- Biochemistry (Koch)
- Cochlear and Auditory Brainstem Physiology (Köppl)
- Computational Neuroscience (Kretzberg)
- Neurobiology (Weiler)
- Neurogenetics (Nothwang)
- Neurosensory (Mouritsen)
- Molecular Neurobiology/Neurochemistry (Richter-Landsberg)
- Zoophysiology and Behaviour (Klump)
- Visual Neuroscience (Greschner)
- Auditory Neuroscience (Hildebrandt)
- Sensory Biology of Animals (Winklhofer)
- Behavioural Genomics (Liedvogel)
Biology in Oldenburg

- Biodiversity and Evolution of animals (Gerlach)
- Neurosensory (Mouritsen)
- Zoophysiology and Behaviour (Klump)
- Auditory Neuroscience (Hildebrandt)
- Sensory Biology of Animals (Winklhofer)
- Behavioural Genomics (Liedvogel)
- Biochemistry (Koch)
- Cochlear and Auditory Brainstem Physiology (Köppl)
- Neurobiology (Weiler)
- Neurogenetics (Nothwang)
- Didactics of Biology (Hößle)
- Biodiversity and Evolution of plants (Albach)
- Biodiversity and Evolution of animals (Gerlach)
- Marine Biodiversity (Martínez Arbizu)
- Functional Ecology of Plants (Zotz)
- Aquatic Ecology and nature Conservation (Kiel)
- Hydrogeology/Catchment Hydrology (Massmann)
- Vegetation Ecology and Conservation (Balke)
- Migration Ecology (Schmaljohann)
- Geoecology (Freund)
- Paleomicrobiology (Cypionka)
- Biologiy of Geological Processes (Simon)
- Planktology (Hillebrand)
- Biodiversity & Biolog. Processes in Polar Seas (Meyer)
- Neurosensory (Mouritsen)
- Ecological Genomics (Nolte)
- Behavioural Genomics (Liedvogel)
- Biodiversity and Evolution of plants (Albach)
- Biodiversity and Evolution of animals (Gerlach)
- Marine Biodiversity (Martínez Arbizu)
- Systematics and Evolutionary of Biology (Bininda-Emonds)
- General & molecular Microbiology (Rabus)
- Cochlear and Auditory Brainstem Physiology (Köppl)
- Neurogenetics (Nothwang)
- Neurosensory (Mouritsen)
- Ecological Genomics (Nolte)
- Behavioural Genomics (Liedvogel)
- Biodiversity and Evolution of plants (Albach)
- Biodiversity and Evolution of animals (Gerlach)
- Marine Biodiversity (Martínez Arbizu)
- Systematics and Evolutionary of Biology (Bininda-Emonds)
- General & molecular Microbiology (Rabus)
- Neurogenetics (Nothwang)
- Visual Neuroscience (Greschner)
- Auditory Neuroscience (Hildebrandt)
- Ecological Genomics (Nolte)
- Behavioural Genomics (Liedvogel)
Marine Biology
- Biodiversity and Evolution of animals (Gerlach)
- Marine Biodiversity (Martínez Arbizu)
- General & molecular Microbiology (Rabus)
- Paleomicrobiology (Cypionka)
- Biologiy of Geological Processes (Simon)
Nature Conservation Environmental Planning
- Applied Geography and Environmental Planning (Mose)
- Vegetation Ecology and Conservation (Balke)
- Hydrogeology/Catchment Hydrology (Massmann)
- Migration Ecology (Schmaljohann)
- Geoecology (Freund)
- Planktology (Hillebrand)
- Biodiversity and Evolution of animals (Gerlach)
- Biochemistry (Koch)
- Cochlear and Auditory Brainstem Physiology (Köppl)
- Computational Neuroscience (Kretzberg)
- Neurobiology (Weiler)
- Neurogenetics (Nothwang)
- Neurosensory (Mouritsen)
- Molecular Neurobiology/Neurochemistry (Richter-Landsberg)
- Zoophysiology and Behaviour (Klump)
- Visual Neuroscience (Greschner)
- Auditory Neuroscience (Hildebrandt)
- Sensory Biology of Animals (Winklhofer)
- Behavioural Genomics (Liedvogel)