
Testing and vaccination services on campus

Information provided by the university regarding the coronavirus pandemic

  • Lord Mayor Jürgen Krogmann visited the team at the new municipal vaccination point on the Campus Haarentor together with Vice President Jörg Stahlmann and University President Ralph Bruder (back from left). Photo: City of Oldenburg STUEBER

Pro vaccination

Campus versus Corona: The city of Oldenburg has opened a vaccination point in the university library. On Mondays, everyone aged 12 years or older can drop in to get a COVID19 vaccination.

Campus versus Corona: The city of Oldenburg has opened a vaccination point in the university library. On Mondays, everyone who wishes can drop in to get a COVID19 vaccination.

The new offer is aimed at members and affiliates of the university as well as all citizens aged twelve and over. Whether first, second or booster vaccinations: all vaccines recommended by the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) are administered. An appointment is not necessary - those interested can drop by on Mondays between 10 am and 3 pm in the entrance hall of the university library at Uhlhornsweg 49-55.

"Every vaccination point in Oldenburg counts," says University President Prof. Dr Ralph Bruder. "I thank the city for the additional offer on our campus. Members of our university, but also all other citizens, now have even easier access to vaccination." Bruder's appeal to all those who do not yet have a vaccination or do not have full vaccination protection: "Take advantage of this offer! Think of yourself and your fellow human beings so that we can all soon experience a safe everyday life again."

For Lord Mayor Jürgen Krogmann, the new vaccination point fills a gap: "Thanks to the expansion of the vaccination offer through the vaccination point on campus, citizens can now get vaccinated against Corona in Oldenburg spontaneously from Monday to Friday without an appointment. We are pleased that the university supports us in our plan to be able to offer a low-threshold service to as many people as possible who want to be vaccinated."

You will need to bring your own vaccination certificate and photo ID to the vaccination. Young people under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Older adolescents must at least bring the written consent of a parent or guardian.

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Presse & Kommunikation (Changed: 07 Feb 2025)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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