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schmidt daniel, Campus Haarentor Uhlhornsweg, erneuerbare-energien
Top News

How the university deals with the energy crisis

The energy crisis also affects our university. The ultimate aim is to ensure continued in person teaching. What is the overall situation? What is the…

Schülerinnen und Schüler in einem Klassenzimmer. Die Kinder sitzen auf braunen Stühlen und wenden der Kamera dem Rücken zu. Neben einem Schüler kniet die Lehrerin, um etwas zu erklären.
Campus Life International affairs

Studying internationally and interculturally

Making teacher training more international and enabling future teachers to approach the issue of cultural diversity in the classroom is at the heart…

Photo of a landscape in Tanzania. In the background, mountain ridges can be seen against a blue sky. In the foreground are trees, partly without leaves, on dry, sandy ground.
Top News Economics International affairs

Reforestation for climate protection in Tanzania

Counteracting deforestation in Tanzania and mitigating potential climate risks is the goal of a new project led by ecological economist Bernd…

Photo of the Union Jack against a blue sky.
Top News History

Integration figure in turbulent times?

When his namesake predecessor held the throne, England seemed "turn’d upside down" - Charles III also enters his reign in turbulent times. Historian…

Research Top News Computing Science

Tricking neural networks

Can artificial intelligence (AI) methods reliably detect child pornography images on user devices? A study in which Oldenburg computer scientist…

Close-up of a high-performance computer. Rows of green LEDs and numerous cables can be seen.
Research Top News Physics

Optimizing wind flow simulations

Improved computer models are needed to build larger wind turbines and to manage wind farms more efficiently. A new research project led by wind…

Abstract painting with wooden panels connected by lines to form a net.
Research Top News Environmental Sciences Marine Sciences

Safe havens for cooperation

How do networks with a high degree of cooperation form? A study by team led by Oldenburg network researcher Thilo Gross in the journal PNAS gives a…

A flock of starlings can be seen as a cloud against the wintry evening sky.
Excellence Strategy Research Top News Biology

The sixth sense

Many animals use the Earth's magnetic field for orientation. But exactly how they do this remains for the most part a mystery. In the Collaborative…

Campus Life Marine Sciences

University by the sea

Wilhelmshaven is home to a part of the university: the Institute of Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM) has a location near the…

Campus Life International affairs

Training Iraqi teachers for special needs education

Anchoring special needs and inclusive education in teacher training programmes at Iraqi universities: this is the goal of a cooperation project led by…

Aerial view of a branched Finnish lake surrounded by forest at sunset.
Research Top News Environmental Sciences

Natural clean-up

A study of 29 European lakes has found that some naturally-occurring lake bacteria grow faster and more efficiently on the remains of plastic bags…

Top News Research Economics

Planning sustainability

Bernd Siebenhüner is committed to sustainability on many levels. As ecological economist he is concerned with “planetary boundaries” and the UN…

Top News Marine Sciences Research

How harmful are sunscreens to corals?

What protects human skin from UV rays could have negative impact for animals. A team led by the marine biologist Peter Schupp is investigating the…

Underwater picture of seafloor in 1.500 metres depth made by ROV JASON.
Research Top News Marine Sciences

Stronger circulation in the Pacific during the Ice Age

Data from cold water corals point to changes in the global ocean conveyor belt during the last glacial period, an international team led by Oldenburg…

Photo from the Southern Ocean. The sea is grey-blue and choppy, the waves have whitecaps. In the foreground on the left of the picture, the back and dorsal fin of a fin whale can be seen half emerging from the sea. On the horizon, the outlines of Elephant Island can be seen dimly on the left. On the right, two icebergs can be seen on the horizon, the left one smaller, the right one large and cuboid-shaped.
Research Top News Marine Sciences

Fin whales back in Antarctica

For the first time since whaling was banned, a team of researchers and filmmakers has documented large groups of fin whales in the Southern Ocean. The…

A younger woman sits at the table with an older woman and explains something to her on the tablet.
Top News Health Services Research

Assitance system to improve older adults' quality of life

Researchers at the University Medicine are developing an app-based assistance system that contributes to healthy living. The challenge: The target…

A hand turns a screw on an experimental setup.
Top News Physics

Making dark semiconductors shine

The energy-levels of semiconductors can be rearranged so that a formerly dark material becomes optically active. A research team led by Oldenburg…

Aufgestapeltes Feuerholz. Foto: LUM3N/Pixabay
Top News Research Philosophy

When heating in winter becomes a luxury

The question of how to fairly distribute scarce goods is a recurring topic of public debate, currently connected with possible gas shortage.…

Presidential Board Top News International affairs Cooperations

Overcoming borders together

The universities of Groningen and Oldenburg have been cooperating for more than 40 years. On Thursday, representatives of both universities met for a…

Das Foto zeigt die beiden Studentinnen auf dem Uni-Campus, Annika Bondzio links, daneben Ann-Christin Elsmann.
Ukraine Campus Life Landingpage [Entdecken] Persönliches Special Needs Education

Special assignment in Oldenburg's classrooms

Many schools in Germany have begun teaching children and youths who have fled the war in Ukraine. In Oldenburg, students from the University's…

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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