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Around a thousand international students from 110 nations are currently enrolled at the University of Oldenburg, most of them in one of the 25…
Success for Oldenburg’s biodiversity researchers: German Research Foundation to provide three million euros in funding for new research unit led by…
For more than 15 years Henrik Mouritsen has been conducting research on magnetoreception in birds. Now, he has summarised the current scientific…
A new Collaborative Research Centre is to be established at the University: the research project on “hearing acoustics” will receive around eight…
Doctor of chemistry Jannika Lauth was awarded a Carl von Ossietzky Young Researchers' Fellowship earlier this year. In her research Lauth produces…
Individualised and online-based is how Anke Hanft, scientific director of the University of Oldenburg's Centre for Lifelong Learning (C3L) sees the…
A team led by geochemist Dr. Katharina Pahnke from Oldenburg has discovered important evidence that the rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels at…
What happens at the molecular level when we smell, see and hear? At the University of Oldenburg the Research Training Group "Molecular basis of…
The skin, our largest sensory organ, is the subject of dermatologist Ulrike Raap‘s research
and medical care. She describes it as an “architectural…
Religion has become a huge social topic once more since the start of the millennium. How can we coexist peacefully in a religiously diverse world?…
As of 2018 Oldenburg University will take over the academic implementation of a project that has been included in Germany's largest research programme…
Following a test phase, German rail company Deutsche Bahn has announced plans to equip train station security personnel at trouble spots with body…
"Internationalisation" is more than just a catchword for Oldenburg University. In addition to boosting its foreign student numbers it also aims to…
Migratory birds find their way to their destination with astonishing accuracy. For a long time it was unclear how they determined their east-west…
Assessing the state of an ecosystem solely on the basis of short-term changes in the number of different species it contains can lead to false…
The Antarctic Krill, a small crustacean, is one of the world's most abundant species and the central diet of a number of animals in the Southern…
Addressing research gaps and providing the scientific basis for marine conservation – these are the aims of the Helmholtz Institute for Functional…
It may not be a beauty – pale and rather inconspicuous – but in terms of evolutionary biology this fish is a sensation: the first known European cave…
A group of students at Oldenburg University and Hochschule Emden/Leer has a vision: to help design a brand new mode of eco-friendly transport. Their…
Space for more than 130 scientists, a 30-metre-long measurement section and wind speeds of up to 150 kilometres per hour: the inauguration of the…