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World map with temperature anomalies
Sustainability Top News

“We need to act very fast”

The effects of climate change are increasingly evident. Reforms to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) could increase its impact and…

Two men assemble the accessories for the experiment.
Top News Physics International affairs

From Zakho to Oldenburg

How to design experiments for students based on current research in physics? In a joint project, Oldenburg researchers are helping a team from the…

Group photo of researchers and university staff in the foyer of the library on the occasion of the reception for international researchers.
Campus Life International affairs

Trying new things

International researchers are an integral part of the university community. But the decision to work far from home comes with its own challenges.…

Campus Life Study Affairs Theology

From a different era

Getting up at sunrise to excavate ancient relicts, bathing in the Jordan at noon, living at a kibbutz: What currently hardly seems imaginable was…

Close-up of leaves
Research Top News Biology

How kale is affected by cold temperatures

Researchers from Oldenburg and Bremen investigated the effect of environmental factors on genetically different varieties of kale.


Fountain pen makes a cross on a piece of paper
Research Top News Higher Education Policy

Your vote for science

The election of the members of the review boards of the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the 2024-2028 period is under way. The voting ends on…

The info market in the foyer of the lecture hall centre. Students checking out the services on offer at a stand.
Top News

Welcome to the University

They study special needs education, environmental sciences or human medicine: almost 2000 first-year students are starting their studies at our…

The experimental setup consists of an electron spectrometer, a so-called filter wheel and light phenomena reminiscent of a fire.
Research Top News Physics

In the attosecond realm

This year's Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for breakthroughs in the field of attosecond physics. The new methods are also being used in Oldenburg…

The picture shows the plenary hall of the German Bundestag.
Top News Social Sciences

"Standing up for democracy"

Right-wing extremist attitudes are on the rise, trust in democracy appears to be fragile. In an interview, political educationalist Tonio Oeftering…

A field with several wind turbines, ground fog and sunset.
Research Energy Research Wind Physics Top News

How wind turbines react to turbulence

The output of wind turbines can rise or fall by 50 per cent in a matter of seconds. A new stochastic method could help to mitigate these sudden swings…

The AI-generated image shows anonymous people in a pedestrian zone.
University Medicine Top News Health Services Research

What your home region reveals about your cancer risk

For many types of cancer, the incidence rate is decreasing – but according to a new study some regions are benefiting considerably more from this…

The photo shows several participants of the excursion. They are standing on a mountain and looking into the distance. There are lakes and several hilltops.
Campus Life Environmental Sciences

In the land of the midnight sun

Unspoiled nature, vast lakes, reindeer everywhere – on a field trip to northern Sweden, students from various degree programmes were able to…

Sustainability Top News Higher Education Policy

The greenhouse-gas balance: a driver for climate action

A reliable basis for making climate-friendly decisions within the university has been created with the latest release of the greenhouse gas report.…

Sustainability Top News

Role model for sustainability

Commitment to sustainability has a long tradition at the University of Oldenburg. Now the university has been nominated for the German Sustainability…

Campus Life

A place to relax

Come to rest, recharge your batteries, pray or meditate: The Room of Silence offers everyone on campus a place to retreat from the sometimes hectic…

The picture shows the Ukrainian Ministry for Foreign Affairs. A Ukrainian flag and a flag of the European Union wave in front of the building.
Research Ukraine Top News History

“This war is a turning point in history”

Malte Rolf is a professor of Eastern European History. In this interview he talks about the historical roots and significance of Russia’s war against…

Excellence Strategy Research Top News Environmental Sciences Marine Sciences

Mudflat dwellers under heat stress

How does unusual heat affect the flora and fauna of the Wadden Sea? Researchers from the Institute of Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment…

A wave with a head of foam up close.
Research Top News Marine Sciences

How microplastics end up in the marine atmosphere

Tiny plastic particles can be found in the marine atmosphere even far from coasts, according to a study recently published in the journal Nature…

Hearing Research Excellence Strategy Research Top News Neuroscience

Study finds that mosquito hearing could be targeted by insecticides

A new study by researchers from University Oldenburg and University College London (Great Britain) shows that specific receptors in the ears of…

Die drei Studentinnen sitzen am Tisch, der voll ist mit medizinischen Materialien wie Mundspatel, Spritzen und Infusionsbehältern. Hinter ihnen steht ein Mann im Kittel.
University Medicine Campus Life Landingpage [Entdecken] Persönliches

In Dr Frank N. Stein's office

The University is offering a new and unusual class for medical students. In Escape Room Neurology, they have just 90 minutes to apply their medical…

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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