PhD representatives University of Oldenburg

You can find more information about representatives of PhD candidates at the University of Oldenburg here:

ICBM PhD representatives

PhD representatives of the ICBM work in close cooperation with the governing board and regularly interact with the PhD candidates of the partner universities. More information about PhD representatives of the ICBM is available on the homepage of the Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment

OLTECH PhD representatives

As OLTECH doctoral representatives, we are a virtual interface between the doctoral students and OLTECH graduate school.
We support the exchange of scientific experiences and the contact within doctoral students at OLTECH and between other graduate schools at the University of Oldenburg. We aim to focus on the concerns, needs and interests of all young researchers at OLTECH and represent them in various committees. We participate in the meetings of the OLTECH Board in an advisory capacity. We want to use this platform to make your graduate school experience more inclusive, diverse, open and welcoming.
Doctoral students can contact us if they have problems with their working environment, language, supervision or questions regarding their doctorate. We want to promote contact and exchange among doctoral students and organize regular meetings for doctoral students of OLTECH.

Contact Oltech PhD representatives

OLTECH PhD representatives

OLTECH PhD Representatives

Faculty V

May-Franzis Zastrau

Molecular and Nanoscale Science


Faculty V

Konstantin Rücker (deputy OLTECH PhD representative for faculty/school V)

 Molecular and Nanoscale Science

I studied chemistry in Oldenburg and am now working on my PhD Thesis in Technical Chemistry at the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, in which I do my research at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). Besides studying novel electrocatalysts I do sports, cook alot and am involved in the local Young Chemists Network (JCF).


Faculty VI


Lara Papin

Medicine and Health Science 


Faculty VI

Johannes Stalter (deputy)

Medicine and Health Science

I am pleased to introduce myself as the Deputy PhD Representative for Faculty VI. My name is Johannes, and I am currently conducting my PhD research at the University of Oldenburg and Groningen, focusing on non-invasive deep brain stimulation. For more information, please visit my website, which is linked below.

As the PhD Representative, it is my role to address your concerns, foster collaboration, and enhance the overall doctoral student experience. I am dedicated to actively listening to your feedback and working towards constructive solutions. I am here to advocate for your rights, provide guidance, and create opportunities for academic and professional success.

I have a particular interest in the development of OLTECH and promoting better collaboration with the University of Groningen. In addition to my research, I enjoy spending my time reading, running, and engaging in theatre.

I encourage you to reach out to me with your ideas and suggestions for improvement. Your input is valuable in shaping a positive and rewarding experience for all doctoral students.


(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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