Conditions of participation

Participation in OLTECH courses and offers by the Graduate Academy are free of charge for OLTECH members.

Conditions of participation (download)


Restistration is required via Stud.IP! It is essential that you use your student account (and not the staff account). If an error occurs or registration is not possible, first log into Stud.IP in general and then follow the event link.
You will be provisionally registered for the workshop. If there is a free place and you are eligible, the Graduate School OLTECH will activate you (you will then receive an automatic email).
Workshops that are already running (several dates) can no longer be booked.

Registration for offers by the Graduate Academy have to be made via the Graduate Academy webpage. Please indicate when registering that you are an OLTECH member. The own contribution (30,-€ per day) to be paid will then be taken over directly by OLTECH.

Prevention / Cancellation

If you are prevented from attending, please cancel your registration by email, as it is technically not possible to unsubscribe on your own. This is the only way to enable people on the waiting list to move up.

In case of unexcused absence from courses of the Graduate Academy, the own contribution (30,- per course day) will not be paid by the Graduate School OLTECH, but will be charged to the registered doctoral student by the Graduate Academy.

Waiting list/remaining places for non-members

  • OLTECH reserves the right, after consultation and in exceptional cases, to admit persons to workshops who do not belong to the above-mentioned group of addressees.
  • Remaining places may be allocated one week before the course date (there is no entitlement!!!).
  • Interested CVO University Master's studentsand Postdocs should register provisionally for the workshop (waiting list).
  • External doctoral students (e.g. from cooperating graduate schools) contact the OLTECH office to get a place on the waiting list, if necessary.
  • Doctoral students from the University of Bremen then use their Shibboleth login for registration; others need a Stud.IP guest account, which in exceptional cases must be requested from IT Services by OLTECH

Please note: If you do not receive a message via the system, you have NOT been moved up!!!


Courses and Events of the Graduate School Science, Medicine and Technology (OLTECH)

How to Write an Ethics Proposal

How to Write an Ethics Proposal

In this course, doctoral candidates and master's students are familiarized with fundamental questions of ethics in the sciences as well as with the content and formal aspects of writing ethics proposals. Participants receive support in writing their own ethics proposal if they wish, both during the semester and in the semester break.

At the beginning of each semester, participants are introduced to relevant issues of ethics in the sciences in a workshop. They learn in detail about the application procedure and the forms required. The application process, submission modalities and the content requirements for writing an ethics application are explained using the example of a research project. Participants will also have the opportunity to work with sample texts provided by the Work Group of Medical Ethics Committees, which are intended to harmonize and standardize participant information. Initial efforts to standardize and simplify the procedure using the ethics tool of Chemnitz University of Technology will also be discussed.

For each semester, a maximum of 12 students can also register to receive cross-semester support in writing their own ethics proposal by individual arrangement. Workshop and cross-semester support in writing a proposal can also be taken up separately. Ethics applications for studies that fall under special legal regulations (§ 15 BOÄKN, AMG, MPG, Srahlenschutzgesetz etc.) are not supported.

Lecturer: Dr. Jale Nur Özyurt

Maximum number of participants

  • for the workshop: 24
  • for individual advice on writing your own ethics proposal: 12

Learning objectives

  • Participants are familiar with the basic concepts and issues of ethics in the sciences and humanities
  • Participants know the formal and content-related requirements for ethics proposals and learn how to apply them in their own ethics proposal
  • Participants learn to critically question their own studies with regard to ethical aspects

Dates: 28.11.2024  from 13-17  and 29.11.2024 from 9-13

Register via Stud.IP

28.11.2024 00:00 – 29.11.2024 13:00

Current Workshops and Events of the Graduate Academy


Winter term 2024 / 2025

Summer term 2024

(Changed: 02 Sep 2024)  | 
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