Basic Laboratory Course

Basic Laboratory Course in Physics (GPR I)

The module basic laboratory course in physics encompasses two semesters. Part I is offered in the winter semester, while Part II takes place during the summer semester.

Depending on the course of studies the module has different credit points (CP).

  • Bachelor Physics (phy011): 12 CP
  • Bachelor Physics, Engineering and Medicine: 12 CP
  • Double Major Bachelor Physics (phy211 (6 CP) and phy215 (4 CP)): 10 CP (reduced experimental extent)
  • Double Major Bachelor Physics (phy211 (6 CP) and phy212 (3 CP)): 9 CP (reduced experimental extent)
  • Bachelor Engineering Physics (phy513): 5 CP (only part I with reduced experimental extent)
  • Bachelor Mathematics (phy011): 6 CP (only part I).

Contact Persons

For general organizational inquiries, please use the following functional email:

Laboratory manager

Dr. habil. Michael Krüger

Room W2-3-340

Consulting hours by appointment

Technichal Assistance

Functional email:

Annette Berger

Room: W2-3-342

Phone: +49 441 798 3395

Christin Warns

Room: W2-3-342

Phone: +49 441 798 3395

Udo Große

Room: W2-3-342

Phone: +49 441 798 3395

The module covers the basics of working in a laboratory, from conducting and documenting experiments to presenting the results. After an introduction, the experimental subjects are, whenever possible, synchronized with the contents covered by the modules experimental physics I and II. For this reason, most experiments focus on subjects from measuring methods, classical mechanics, basic electrodynamics, optics, electronics and signal processing. In each laboratory session, all students perform the same experiment under the guidance of a faculty member and a tutor. Experiments are performed and documented in teams of two.

Credits for this course are awarded for Subject specific exercises  in the form of successful completion of experiments, documentation of the results and their presentation. Laboratory reports are prepared for each experiment. Every experiment is graded. Each student gives an oral presentation for one experiment per semester. The presentations are graded as well. The final grade for the module is derived from the individual grades for all experiments and presentations (see information about module marking). 

The laboratory course is supplemented by a seminar to present the experiments of the current week. In addition, questions regarding the theoretical basis, experimental procedures, data analysis, and report preparation for the experiments may be debated here.The participation in the seminar is obligatory.

An Open Lab is offered. The laboratory rooms are open during the Open Lab and the equipment is available for use. The purpose is to provide students with an opportunity to increase and fortify experimental skills on their own. The Open Lab is attended by the tutors.

Organizational notes for the laboratory course are posted on the information board of the laboratory course opposite to room W2 3-338.

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