Experiments in summer semester
Experiments in summer semester
Basic Laboratory Course in Physics - Part II in summer semester
Participation in part II of the laboratory course requires successful completion of part I.
Title page and table of contents
Reminder: Notes on conducting experiments and preparing reports
Nonlinear Fits with Origin
Operational amplifier
Keywords: Ideal and real properties, positive and negative feedback, inverting and non-inverting amplifier, frequency characteristics, cutoff frequency, transition frequency, bandwidth, gain-bandwidth product, integrator, differentiator, impedance transformer, transimpedance amplifier, current to voltage transformer
Determination of Faraday's constant by electrolysis
Keywords: Elementary charge, molar quantity, valence, atomic mass, Faraday's laws, Faraday's constant, Avogadro's constant, anode, cathod, anion, cation, mass balance, corrosive phenomena
Distance and attenuation laws for beta- and gamma radiation
Keywords: Radioactive decay, law of decay, beta- and gamma radiation, Bremsstrahlung, interaction of beta- and gamma radiation with matter, photo- and compton effect, distance and attenuation law, linear attenuation coefficient, range of beta radiation, Geiger-Müller counter, scintillaton detector, radiation dose
Geometrical optics, optical images and aberrations
Keywords: Law of reflection and refraction, refractive index, lensmaker formula, optical images, imaging equations, determination of the focal length, Bessel's method, aperture and pupils, depth of sharpness, spherical and chromatic aberrations, magnifying lens, telescope, magnification of visual angle
Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction, interference
Keywords: Plane wave, spherical wave, amplitude, phase, intensity, Huygens' principle, diffraction, interference, far field, near field, Fraunhofer diffraction, Airy disk, resolution, Rayleigh criterion, Fresnel diffraction, Fresnel zone plate
Exercises in MATLAB
Diffraction by periodic structures, grating spectrometer
Keywords: Diffraction and interference, diffraction at single- and double slit, Youngs' interference patterns, gratings, grating constant, transmission grating, phase grating, reflection grating, Blaze grating, grating spectroscope, monochromator, CCD, CD, DVD
Measurement of magnetic fields
Keywords: Magnetic field, geomagnetic field, magnetic flux, magnetic induction, Biot-Savart law, Helmholtz coils, Maxwell coils, stationary and non stationary magnetic fields, torque in magnetic fields, induction coils
Frequency behavior of passive networks: low- an high-pass filter
Keywords: Four-pole ciquits, RC-elements, RC low-pass, RC high-pass, transfer function, amplitude transfer function, frequency characteristic, phase curve, phase characteristic, Bode diagram
Electromagnetic oscillating circuit
Keywords: Ideal and real LC- and RLC oscillators, series circuit, forced electromagnetic oscillations, eigenfrequency, damping, resonance behavior, amplitude resonance curve, phase curve
Signal propagation on LC oscillator chains and coaxial cables
Keywords: LC oscillator chains, homogeneous lines, coaxial cable, signal transit time, delay elements, wave propagation and wave equation, impedance, signal reflections, dispersion
Polarization of Light
Keywords: Polarization states, linear, circular, and elliptical polarization, degree of polarization, Fresnel's equations, Brewster angle, natural optical activity, rotary power, Faraday effect, Verdet's constant
Michelson interferometer
Keywords: Plane wave, spherical wave, amplitude, phase, phase velocity, wavefront, phase front, refractive index, optical path, interference, piezoelectric effect, electrostriction, hysteresis, piezo translator