

Prof. Dr. Andrea Hildebrandt

 +49 (0)441 798-4629

 A07 0-062


Sandra Marienberg (maternity leave and parental leave)
Please use:

 +49 (0)441 798-5523

 A07 0-035

Postal address

Psychological Methods and Statistics Division
Department of Psychology
Faculty VI - Medical and Health Sciences
University of Oldenburg
26111 Oldenburg

Maps and directions

 Campus maps and directions

Giulia Angonese

Research Interests

  • Auditory diagnostics and hearing aid uptake
  • Hearing related personality traits
  • Ecological momentary assessment and experience sampling techniques
  • Psychophysiological data acquisition in everyday life
  • mHealth and online assessment
  • Statistical modelling of intense longitudinal data and machine learning



Academic positions 

Since April 2022

Scientific Researcher at the Department of Psychology, Division for Psychological Methods and Statistics, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, founded by the DFG Cluster of Excellence “Hearing4All”

05/2021– 03/2022

Research assistant at the Department of Psychology, Division of Psychological Methods and Statistics, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

10/2020– 08/2020

Research assistant (Tutor, Module: Computation in Neuroscience) at the Department of Psychology, Division of Experimental Psychology, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg


Since April 2022

PhD Student (Supervisor Prof. Dr. Andrea Hildebrandt)

10/2019 – 03/2022

M. Sc. in Neurocognitive Psychology, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. Master Thesis: Psychological profiling in a Virtual Hearing Clinic (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Andrea Hildebrandt, Dr. Mareike Buhl)

09/2012 – 11/2015

B. Sc. in Speech and Language Therapy, Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy.  Bachelor thesis: Acquisition of Italian L2 by romanian children: phonetic and phonological analysis of narrative and spontaneous speech



  • Young Scientist Special Award at the Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology VCCA 2022, for the project: "Psychological Profiling in a Virtual Hearing Clinic"
  • Hearing4All Video Challenge 2022 second place, for the distinguished video "Eclogical Momentary Assessment for the measurement of hearing in daily life and its relationship to psychological states
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