Please send applications by e-mail to Faculty VI Medicine and Health Sciences:

Dr Beena Punnamoottil


Application criteria

Application information


  • High-quality publication that has appeared in a scientific journal with peer-review system.
  • Publication from the previous calendar year (printed or ePub ahead of print), i.e. January - December of the respective previous year.
  • First author must be a member of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Oldenburg or of the cooperating hospitals and a junior researcher (i.e. below a completed habilitation).
  • The last author should also be a member of the Faculty VI of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Oldenburg or of the Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen (UMCG). For larger, collaborative projects, the final author may also be from another institution.

Selection criteria (assessed by the Research Committee)

  • Scientific quality of the submitted publication
  • Your summary of the background, research question and significance of the publication
  • Extent of interdisciplinary collaboration in the faculty and/or Groningen
  • If two or more publications are deemed to be of equal merit, preference will be given to female authors

Documents to be submitted

1. PDF of the publication

2. Completed

application form

(Changed: 15 Jan 2025)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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