Equal opportunities office of Faculty VI

Since November 2023, the team of the equal opportunities office of Faculty VI Medicine and Health Sciences consists of ten women. You can reach us under: .

The equal opportunities officers of Faculty VI advise employees of Faculty VI on all questions regarding discrimination due to gender. 

They are involved in the conception and implementation of measures to improve equal opportunities at the faculty. They advocate for various issues, such as the promotion of scientists in early career phases, the strengthening of active recruitment within the framework of appointment procedures, internal equal opportunities measures within the faculty and the improved compatibility of career and family. They work in coordination with the central equal opportunities officer and the team of the equal opportunities office (website only available in German).

The Faculty equal opportunities officers are to be informed and involved in good time in advance in all matters relevant to equal opportunities, i.e. in all structural and personnel decisions (publication of job advertisements, selection and recruitment of staff, including changes in „Eingruppierung“ and increases in employment contracts, appointment committees, personnel development concepts, committee meetings, etc.). The earlier the participation and involvement of the Faculty equal opportunities officers takes place, the more efficiently they can advise the councillors, provide content for certain topics and accompany (selection) procedures.

Staffing procedures

The so-called „Begleitbogen zur Umsetzung gleichstellungsfördernder Maßnahmen“ must be completed for all personnel procedures. It has to be signed by the Faculty equal opportunities officer who will then send it to the central equal opportunities officer.

The fully completed „Begleitbogen“ can be sent by the commission chairpersons or employees exclusively in electronic form to the Faculty equal opportunities officers, including any other required documents:

Further required documents are

  • the minutes of the committee meetings,
  • in the case of an „Ausschreibungsverzicht“, an application with comprehensible justification and complete supporting documents, and
  • in the case of extension of qualification positions, a statement by the person in charge or the supervisor.

The accompanying forms are processed by the Faculty equal opportunities officers and forwarded electronically to the central equal opportunities office. In order to avoid time bottlenecks prior to recruitment, we ask you to send the documents for the equal opportunities officers at the same time as the recruitment documents for the Personnel Department (via the Faculty Office (Geschäftsstelle)).

Waiver of advertisement („Ausschreibungsverzicht“)

A waiver of advertisement must be justified in accordance with § 29 of the University's „Grundordnung“ and is only possible in agreement with the equal opportunities officer and the staff council („Personalrat“). For this purpose, the „Gemeinsame Kriterienkatalog von Personalvertretung und Gleichstellungsstelle zum Ausschreibungsverzicht“ (only available in German) can be consulted. The catalogue is intended to serve as a guide for all recruiters as to how the staff council and the central equal opportunities officer assess applications for waiving a job advertisement and under which constellations approval can be expected. The new digital checklist simplifies the previously freely formulated statement. It must be attached to the recruitment application („Einstellungsantrag”) and sent to the Central Equal Opportunities Officer (via the decentralised Equal Opportunities Officer) at the same time as the accompanying form for measures to promote women („Begleitbogen zur Umsetzung gleichstellungsfördernder Maßnahmen”). Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the waiver.

(Changed: 13 Sep 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p86461en
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