External funding opportunities
Decentralised Equal Opportunities Officer
Gender and Diversity Management Officer
External funding opportunities
Below you will find current and ongoing calls for funding opportunities specifically for scientists in medicine and the natural sciences related to the topic of equal opportunities.
For Women in Science
UNESCO-L'Oréal Support Programme for Women Scientists with Children
Germany has had its own "For Women in Science" programme since 2006. It is supported by the German UNESCO Commission and the L'Oréal Group Germany, in partnership with the Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Foundation.
The German programme is aimed at outstandingly qualified female doctoral candidates and postdocs with children working in Germany in the experimental natural sciences. In Germany in particular, starting a family often still leads to the interruption or abandonment of promising careers. To make it easier to reconcile family planning and career, L'Oréal and the German UNESCO Commission, in cooperation with the Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Foundation, therefore sponsor three highly talented and committed young female scientists each year.
Applications can be submitted annually from September onwards via the Foundation's application portal.
- The deadline is each year on November 30.
- For more information click here