

General information about scholarships, admission procedures, etc. you will find here:International Student Office.

Selection Procedure

The selection of available study place with our Erasmus-Cooperation universities is handled by the "first come - first serve" principle (subject to available capacity).

From the beginning of October 2014 applications for the next academic year (from winter semester 15/16) for Erasmus-exchange space are accepted.


These posters offer an provide a condensed overview of the corresponding university: PDF-Dokument Bologna PDF-Dokument Orléans PDF-Dokument Zaragoza PDF-Dokument Sendai

International / Erasmus

International / Erasmus

The courses in Sport Science do not include a mandatory semester abroad, but many students still go for a semester abroad. In the subject combination with Anglistik / English Studies often an exchange with the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse in the US is chosen. Academic achievements from abroad can be recognized in both the Bachelor and the Master programmes. Thus the regular study period can be be maintained even with a semester abroad. The Institute of Sport Science supports students explicitly in their desire to study abroad.

Since the winter semester 09/10 an Erasmus coopeartion exists with the following universities: Università di Bologna (Italy) Université d'Orléans (France) Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)
Since winter semester 10 / 11 a cooperation with the following universities exist: Sendai University (Japan)

With the start of winter semester 13 / 14 an Ersamus-cooperation contract with the Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (Basel) has been signed:   Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz

Erasmus-Cooperationen since winter semester 09/10

Erasmus-Cooperation since winter semester 13/14

Erasmus-Cooperation from winter semester 14/15

Cooperation since winter semester 13/14

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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