
Admission of international students (Admissions office)

Michaela Klonczynski

Gernot Lucks

Advisor for international students (International Office)

Katja Kaboth-Larsen

+49 (0)441 798-4783

Christine Trappe


Office hours

Availability by phone
Mondays: 9 -12 a.m. and 14-15.30 p.m. 
Thursdays: 14 p.m.-15.30 p.m.

Online office hours
Tuesdays: 9.30 a.m.–10.30 a.m. in our virtual meeting room (BigBlueButton)

Face-to-face office hours
Tuesdays: 14.00 p.m.-16.30 p.m. (SSC)
Thursdays: 10.00 a.m.-12.30 p.m. (SSC)

Our team of tutors offers help and support with all general questions and about life in Oldenburg. The tutor team can be reached at

our facebook group International Students in Oldenburg

For enrolled students we offer a community forum in Stud.IP (IO.003 International Students)


International applicants must follow other procedures than German applicants.

If you have an international university entrance qualification ("HZB") or a first university degree from outside of Germany, most applications are handled by the service organisation "uni-assist e.V.", which cooperates with our admissions office:

Studying for degree seekings - application through uni-assist

Application through uni-assist

All applicants who received their prior education abroad should apply online through uni-assist.

This category includes:

  • International students
  • EU students
  • Students affiliated with a programme (e.g. DAAD scholarship recipients)
  • Germans who received their prior education abroad


  • China, Vietnam and (from summer semester 2023) India: True copies by the German embassy have to be submitted by mail. Original APS Certificate has to be submitted as well.

Application directly to the University of Oldenburg

The following groups, who may apply directly to the university:

  • Students who received their prior education in Germany (with German educational credentials enabling direct entry to higher education or a German university degree)
  • Applicants for the programme European Master in Renewable Energy as well as ERASMUS-Mundus programmes (EMMIR, EWEM).

Preparatory German courses / INSTEP study preparation for international students

INSTEP study preparation for international students

Those who do not yet have sufficient German language skills for the subject studies, but have completed at least the A2 level, have the option of joining the INSTEP study preparation programme.

Language requirements for German

INSTEP study preparation programme

In addition to intensive preparatory German language courses, the study preparation programme includes other courses on academic work and preparation for university studies. The study preparation programme ends with the German language examination for university entrance (DSH).

How do I take part in the INSTEP study preparation programme? How do I apply for it?

Apply via uni-assist for the Bachelor's/Master's degree programme you are aiming for later. (No study preparation is offered for the State Examination degree programme.)

You can apply for the winter and summer semesters. (Apply in the summer semester for the 2nd semester if no 1st semester is offered.)

Please note the earlier application deadlines for INSTEP regardless of the degree programme

  • 15 January for the summer semester
  • 15 July for the winter semester

If your application is successful, you will receive an invitation to our German proficiency test. If you pass this and there are enough places, you can be enrolled.

German proficiency test

Am I a regular student during the INSTEP study preparation?

During the INSTEP study preparation, you will be enrolled as a regular student (and pay the regular semester contribution). However, you are not entitled to the affordable (statutory) health insurance for students and must arrange other insurance during this time (e.g. private or voluntary statutory health insurance).

Studienvorbereitung INSTEP

Wer noch nicht über ausreichende deutsche Sprachkenntnisse für das Fachstudium verfügt, jedoch mindestens das A2-Niveau abgeschlossen hat, hat die Möglichkeit, an der Studienvorbereitung INSTEP teilzunehmen.

Sprachliche Voraussetzungen für Deutsch

Studienvorbereitung INSTEP

Die Studienvorbereitung umfasst neben intensiven studienvorbereitenden Deutsch-Sprachkursen weitere Angebote zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten und zur Vorbereitung auf ein Studium. Die Studienvorbereitung endet mit dem Erreichen der deutschen Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (DSH).

Wie nehme ich an der Studienvorbereitung INSTEP teil? Wie bewerbe ich mich darauf?

Bewerben Sie sich über uni-assist für den später angestrebten Bachelor-/Master-Studiengang. (Für den Abschluss Staatsexamen wird keine Studienvorbereitung angeboten.)

Sie können sich zum Winter- und zum Sommersemester bewerben. (Bewerben Sie sich im Sommersemester für das 2. Fachsemester, falls kein 1. Fachsemester angeboten wird.)

Bitte beachten Sie die früheren Bewerbungstermine für INSTEP unabhängig vom Studiengang

  • 15.01. zum Sommersemester
  • 15.07. zum Wintersemester

Bei einer erfolgreichen Studienbewerbung erhalten Sie eine Einladung zu unserer sprachlichen Aufnahmeprüfung. Wenn Sie diese bestehen und es ausreichend Plätze gibt, können Sie eingeschrieben werden.

Sprachliche Aufnahmeprüfung

Bin ich während der Studienvorbereitung INSTEP regulärer Studierender?

Während der Studienvorbereitung INSTEP werden Sie regulär als Studierender eingeschrieben (und zahlen den regulären Semesterbeitrag). Sie haben allerdings keinen Anspruch auf die günstige (gesetzliche) Krankenversicherung der Studierenden und müssen sich währenddessen anders versichern (z. B. private oder freiwillige gesetzliche Krankenversicherung).

For detailed step-by-step information on the application process, please first select the degree you are applying for:

(Changed: 13 Aug 2024)  | 
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