Medicine (State Examination) - How to apply with an international degree

Medicine (State Examination) - How to apply with an international degree

1. You have decided for the Model Programme in Medicine

Please inform yourself about the degree programme Medicine offered by the University of Oldenburg


2. Be aware of the application deadline

Application deadline for the winter term 15.07.

For applicants who need a visa, it is in your own interest to apply three months before the application deadline to make sure that you can begin your studies on time.

3. Online application for all applicants with international degree

Applicants with a school degree for EU countries need to apply through 


Applicants with a school degree from outside the EU need to apply through uni-assist e.V. 

The core task of uni-assist e.V. is the evaluation of international school/ university certificates in regard to their equivalence to German school/ university degrees.

The evaluation of your documents through uni-assist e.V. takes about 4 weeks.

uni–assist e.V.

4. Acceptance

The admission decisions for the model programme Medicine are made by the admissions office and takes about 3 weeks. These 3 weeks begin after all applications have been processed by uni-assist. This is usually the case at the end of August.

Admission decisions are send by email as soon as the admissions office is informed about the decisions.

5. Enrolment

After you have been accepted, an immediate declaration of acceptance is needed. The enrolment can be done in person oder by mail within 1 week.

InfoPortal Studium (Changed: 13 Dec 2024)  | 
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