International Summer Fest 2019
International Summer Fest on June 19, 2019
Shortly before the summer solstice, the International Summer Fest took place again on 19 June 2019. This year the weather provided a surprise for the visitors and organisers. Despite the tempest in the afternoon, the atmosphere remained good. During the rain, the visitors moved into the open-air hall. When it was dry again, they continued to celebrate as usual with music on the Mensavorplatz.
The awards for the best stalls went to "Indo-Lanka" and "Around the World".
16.00–19.00 h: "Spielefant" (activities for kids) in the open-air gym ("Freilufthalle")
16.00–21.30 h: Intercultural marketplace: stall presentations in front of the Mensa building and in the open-air gym
22 h: Mensa party of the student representatives ("Fachschaftenreferat") in the Mensa lobby (inside)
approx. 22.15 h: Silent film starting at dawn on the stage outside
Stage programme
15.55 h: Uni Big Band
16.25 h: Hip Hop Group (University sports)
16.45 h: "Obrooni"
17.00 h: Belly dance
17.15 h: "Swing die Straße"
17.45 h: Opening speech of the president and award ceremony
18.00 h: Incredible India
18.15 h: "Kokoti"
18.45 h: Salsa Rueda de Casino
19.00 h: "Jakob and the Everests"
19.30 h: Bachata Rueda
19.45 h: "Konfeddi"
20.15 h: Acro Yoga
20.30 h: "The Cool Adorers"