LA GHR/SoPäd Short Subject


Teaching profession GHR/SoPäd Short subject

Short subject 20 - 22 SWS in total;
RP: 6 - 7 SWS; AT/NT 3 SWS each; ST: 4 SWS

Orientation seminar (certificate of attendance)

Biblical Studies OT (certificate of attendance)

Biblical Studies NT (certificate of attencance)

Study Counselling (approx. from 3rd semester)





History of Israel I or II (2 SWS)

Basic course NT (2 SWS)

Basic course (2 SWS)

Didactics and Methodology Theory and History (3 SWS) (3 SWS)

free choice or -->

<-- free choice


Religious forms of language (2 SWS)


Religious Socialisation (2 SWS)

ET certificates:

One ET certificate each from the areas of ST and RP and Biblical Theology (OT or NT, the area not taken becomes the examination area).

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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