Administrative Staff

Andrea Hinz

Room: A06 1-116

+49 (0)441/798-2669

Nadja Sturm

Room: A06 1-115

+49 (0)441/798-2981

Campus plan / how to get here


Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
Faculty IV - Institute of Protestant Theology and Religious Education
Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118 Building A06 1st floor
26129 Oldenburg

Information for teaching staff

Digital teaching

Information on teaching and learning with digital media can be found here:

Stud.IP for teaching staff

Information on the Stud.IP learning and campus management system is available here (Stud.IP access, e-mail function, online grade entry, contact data maintenance, administration of courses, etc.).

IT service

IT Service provides assistance for users of IT services (user account, access to the campus network, e-mail, calendar, contacts, tasks, automated mailing lists, copying, printing, scanning, etc.).

Media service

There are permanently installed media technology devices (e.g. beamers, sound systems) in numerous seminar rooms at the university. The remote controls for these devices are locked in small cabinets in the seminar rooms. The keys to these media cabinets are managed by the Media Service and can be reserved there.


Regulations on handing out copies in accordance with § 60a UrhG in the context of teaching in both analogue and digital form can be found here.

Study programmes and examination regulations

You can access the courses offered by the Institute via our Institute homepage. For the individual degree programmes, you will find further links to the relevant degree programme profile, study plan and examination regulations (general and subject-specific part as well as professionalisation area).

Active participation in courses

The subject-specific annex for the subject Protestant Theology and Religious Education (Annex 8 of the BPO) contains regulations on active participation in courses under point 4: (1) Modules represent a process of learning, research and teaching. The individual courses of a module are closely interlinked. Regular active participation in each module course ensures the success of the module as a whole.

(2) As a prerequisite for admission to a module examination or the awarding of credit points, active participation may be required in the modules for courses that convey teaching content practically-visually or primarily through dialogue between students and teachers (e.g. seminars, colloquia, exercises, excursions, internships), provided this is necessary to achieve the objective of the course. The performances of active participation are ungraded and must be balanced in terms of the workload in relation to the number of credits to be awarded.

(3) Active participation can include: Regular attendance (As a rule, regular attendance is when the student has not missed more than 20% of the course time) and participation in the courses, preparation and follow-up of the course material, preparation of the course material, preparation of the course material, preparation of the course material, preparation of the course material, preparation of the course material, preparation of the course material, preparation of the course material.

The respective applicable criteria of active participation are determined at the beginning of the course by the lecturers in mutual consultation with the students present, presented transparently and set down in writing.

Module descriptions

The module descriptions provide essential information on the modules, for example the competence objectives, the content and workload, the form of teaching and examination as well as the persons responsible for the module and those authorised to examine it. You will find the module descriptions as an icon in front of the module titles in the course catalogue. Please select the degree programme first and then the category "subject" for the subject modules. The module descriptions of a degree programme can also be exported as a PDF module handbook.

Module examinations

Examinations are module-related and are given their legal framework by the examination regulations and their appendices (subject-specific appendices of the subjects and appendix 3 to the professionalisation area). They are specifically determined in the module descriptions for each semester with the announcement of the courses offered.

The persons responsible for the modules inform the lecturers involved in their modules before the start of the course about the form of the module examination and about the extent to which certain performances of individual module courses can be included in the module examination (e.g. as partial portfolio performances). Please address any queries regarding the module examination directly to the module supervisors.


The Institute Council decides on examination authorisations. The examiners are named in the module descriptions and in the so-called examiner lists. The grading of module examinations and theses is carried out in accordance with the examination regulations for the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes. Instructions for entering grades online in Stud.IP can be found here.

The Academic Examinations Office will advise and inform you on all examination matters.

Please note the retention periods for examination documents for Bachelor's and Master's examinations.

Course planning

To plan your course, especially with regard to times, rooms and access authorisations, please contact Nadja Sturm in the office.

Course evaluation

A student evaluation is carried out regularly to ensure and improve the quality of the teaching and study programmes. The results of the course evaluation should be presented to the students in a suitable form by the lecturers and discussed with them. You can find information and help on planning, carrying out and evaluating course evaluations here. The evaluation officer of our institute is Dr. Christian Wetz.

University didactic training and support

The task of the Department of Higher Education Didactics is to promote "good teaching" at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg and to support teachers in their teaching activities. Within the framework of the certificate programme "Qualification in Higher Education Didactics", seminars on higher education didactics are offered. Current information, handouts and an extensive collection of literature references and links on higher education didactics topics can be found in the Stud.IP community "Higher Education Didactics". Registration is required for this. You can obtain the password from the university didactics department.


If you have any further questions, the relevant contact persons at our institute will help you.

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