Planning and Writing a Bachelor's- or Master's Thesis

In which subject can I write my thesis?

You can choose to write your Bachelor's thesis in one of your two fields of study or interdisciplinary in both (exception: if you study Protestant Theology and Religious Education only as a 30 CP subject, you write the thesis in the 90 CP subject). In the Master of Education you can write the thesis in one of your two subjects or in educational sciences.

Who can supervise my thesis?

The lecturers in our subject who are authorised to examine the final theses are marked in the lists of examiners:

You can also find the examiners in the module descriptions of our final modules. To find a topic for your thesis and to clarify further questions, please contact the relevant lecturers during their office hours.

The Bachelor thesis is assessed by two examiners (first examiner and second examiner). At least one examiner must be a member of the university teaching staff or a private lecturer in the relevant field of study. In individual cases, the responsible Bachelor's examination board may allow the Bachelor's thesis to be examined by two full-time lecturers who are not members of the university teaching staff or private lecturers.

The Master's thesis is assessed by two examiners (first examiner and second examiner). At least one examiner must be a member of the university teaching group or a private lecturer in the relevant field of study. If the Master's thesis is written in an interdisciplinary manner in the didactics of a subject and the educational sciences, one reviewer must come from each of the two subject areas. At least one reviewer must be a member of the university teaching staff.

What do I do in the colloquium for the Bachelor's or Master's thesis and is there an examination?

In the colloquium, students present their interim results from the work on their thesis and receive feedback from other candidates and at least one university teacher. Theological interdisciplinarity of the supervisors is explicitly sought. If necessary, guests are also invited to the colloquium, for example to lecture on certain methods.

The examination performance is an ungraded presentation of the concept of one's own thesis within the framework of the colloquium (3 CP) and the Bachelor's or Master's thesis.

How many pages do I have to write for a Bachelor's/Master's thesis?

The length of a Bachelor's thesis can be 40-60 pages, the length of a Master's thesis 60-80 pages.

How much time do I have to write my Bachelor's/Master's thesis?

The time from the issue of the topic to the delivery of the Bachelor's thesis is a maximum of four months.

The time from the issue of the topic to the delivery of the Master's thesis is a maximum of

- a maximum of 20 weeks (GHR),

- a maximum of 30 weeks (Gym, SoPäd),

- a maximum of 26 weeks (WiPäd),

- 6 months (subject master Ecumenical Studies and Religions).


Where can I get help for writing academic papers?

The learning workshop of the ZSKB (Zentrale Studien- und Karriereberatung) offers workshops on academic work and writing, individual writing advice, writing groups and learning materials for students of all subjects:

Regarding formalities, please refer to the "Handreichung für die Anfertigung von wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten" of our institute.

Can I exmatriculate after I have handed in my thesis?

This FAQ is currently being revised. If you have any questions on this topic, please contact the person responsible for you at the Academic Examinations Office. Please direct specific queries about the modalities of re-registration to the Admissions Office.

What do I do if I fall ill during the thesis?

Please submit a medical certificate to the Examinations Office together with an informal application for an extension of the processing time. The processing time will then be extended accordingly.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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