Teaching at Secondary Schools (Gymnasium)


Teaching at secondary schools (Gymnasium)

total 64 SWS AT - ST: 11 - 12 each / RW: 6 / RP: 6-10 Basic studies: 32 SWS (until intermediate examination)

Orientation seminar (certificate of attendance)

Biblical Studies OT (certificate of attendance)

Biblical Studies NT (certificate of attendance)

Study Counselling (before intermediate examination)







History of Israel I

Basic course NT

Basic Course Christian Doctrine ("Dogmatics") or Ethics

VL Basic course KG (optional from I-IV)

Seminar: Didactics and Meth. of the Teaching Subject

World Religion

History of Israel II

(Pro-)seminar on the method of exegesis

Seminar or lecture: Ethics/ Interrel. Dialogue

VL Basic course KG (optional from I-IV)

Seminar: Theory and History of Relational Learning Processes and the Subject of Teaching

free choice

Lecture/ Seminar: Text Complex

Seminar: Gospel theme

Seminar: Contemporary Theology

Introductory seminar (optional: Ancient Christianity, MA, Ref., Modern Times)

Seminar: Rel. language forms and their aesthetics

free choice

Lecture/ Seminar: Text Complex

Lecture/ Seminar: Scripture

Lecture/seminar: central ethical approaches/lecture: syst. theol. major topic

Introductory seminar (optional: Ancient Ki., MA, Ref., Modern Times)

Seminar: Religious Socialisation


(introductory exercise) History or Bibl. literature

Contemporary History, Environment or History of Early Christianity

Seminar: Ecumenism

2 seminars Hauptstudium or 1 seminar and


Introduction Bibl. Lit. I or II

Seminar: Pauline Theme

Lecture or seminar: world religions./ Religious critics.

1 interdisciplinary seminar or course on a special topic


ET Certificates

Basic studies (admission requirements for the intermediate examination) a total of three ET certificates from different areas in each case (AT/NT counts as one area; ST/Church History/Religious Education).

Main course

One ET certificate each from the areas of Biblical Theology (OT or NT, each area from the intermediate examination) and ST and Church History and Religious Education and Religious Science

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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