Cooperation and Services
Cooperation and Services
Prof. Dr. Christine Godt
- German expert within the "expert legal group on the application of European law on equal treatment between men and women" of the EC-Commission (network )
- Projekt “Ius Commune Casebook on European Non-Discrimination Law”, (
- member of the centre for women and gender research (university Oldenburg, Link )
- Senior Researcher as member of the IUS COMMUNE research school (iniversities of Maastricht, Leuven, Utrecht and Amsterdam, Link)
- expertise and offers for further education on the following topics: Anti - discrimination law, mainstreaming equality, relevance of EU law to particular areas of society, employment and economy
Prof. Dr. Christine Godt, Ass.jur. Tim Torsten Schwithal
- Concept of the Hanse Law School (web-site)
- Contact: