Prof. Dr. Cornelia Hamann
Research Projects
2017-2019: BiliSAT Bilingual Language Development in School-age Children with/without Language Impairment with Arabic and Turkish as first languages. DFG Förderung. Chilla/Hamann.
2013 – 2016: BiLaD Bilingual Language Development: Children with typical development and language impairment, financed by ANR-DFG grant - collaboration of German (Hamann, Rothweiler, Chilla) and French researchers). Access the BiLaD page here.
2012 – 2014: GIF Project "How Can a Teacher Tell if a Bilingual Child Has a Language Impairment? A Study of the Language of Russian-Hebrew and Russian-German Migrant Children in Preschool and School years"; (Collaboration of German and Israeli researchers).
2010 - 2011: NOWETAS Pilot Project Bilingual Children with Specific Language Impairment. In collaboration with M. Rothweiler (Bremen) and S. Chilla (Erfurt).
2008 - 2013: AULIN I & AULIN II Audiology and Linguistics (Sprachverarbeitung und Hörbeeinträchtigungen - DFG Project). Together with E. Ruigendijk, B. Kollmeier and T. Brand.
1998-2002: Langage et Communication: acquisition, traitement et patholgie (Programme plurifacultaire, Université de Genève). Rizzi, Frauenfelder, Zesiger, Hamann.
In advisory capacity
German-Canadian coalition for research on Syrian refugee children and youths, workshops together with the Canadian project Language and Literacy (Chen, Paradis et al.). (CYCC-Network).