CvO-Universität Oldenburg
Department of Social Sciences
26111 Oldenburg

A6 4-426

Dr. Sven Broschinski

Research Interests

  • Social stratification
  • Labour market sociology
  • Horizontal Europeanisation
  • Qualitative methods of empirical social research


Broschinski, Sven (2023): Spielarten der Krisenbewältigung – Formen der Arbeitsmarktanpassung in europäischen Beschäftigungsregimen, in: Johannes Kiess; Jenny Preunkert; Martin Seeliger und Joris Steg (Hg.) „Krisen und Soziologie”. 183-206, Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.

Heidenreich, Martin; Broschinski, Sven (2023): Is Property an Insurance or an Additional Burden? Financial Stress Among Homeowners in Europe. Social Inclusion (ISSN: 2183–2803), doi: 10.17645/si.v11i1.5875

Broschinski, Sven; Feldhaus, Michael; Assmann, Marie-Luise Assmann; Heidenreich, Martin (2022): The role of family social capital in school-to-work transitions of young adults in Germany. Journal of Vocational Behavior (online first), doi: 10.1016/j.jvb.2022.103790

Broschinski, Sven; Feldhaus, Michael; Assmann, Marie-Luise Assmann; Heidenreich, Martin (2022):
Successful, Delayed, and Unsuccessful School-to-Work Transitions. The Role of Family-based Social Capital on the School-to-Work-Transition of Adolescents and Young AdultsOldenburger Studien zur Europäisierung und zur transnationalen Regulierung 27/2022.

Assmann, Marie-Luise; Broschinski, Sven (2021): Mapping Young NEETs Across Europe: Exploring the Institutional Configurations Promoting Youth Disengagement from Education and Employment. Journal of Applied Youth Studies, 4, 95-117, doi: 10.1007/s43151-021-00040-w

Broschinski, Sven; Assmann Marie-Luise (2020): The relevance of public employment services for the labour market integration of low-qualified young people – a cross-European perspective. European Societies. Taylor & Francis online., doi: 10.1080/14616696.2020.1764998

Heidenreich, Martin; Broschinski, Sven & Pohlig, Matthias (2019): The Europeanisation of income and labour market inequality during the eurozone crisis, in: Martin Heidenreich (Hg.) "Horizontal Europeanisation. The transnationalisation of daily life and social fields in Europe", 85-106. London/New York: Routledge.

Broschinski, Sven; Preunkert, Jenny & Heidenreich, Martin (2018): Lohnentwicklungen im öffentlichen Sektor - Ein Brennpunkt europäischer Austeritätspolitik? in: Susanne Pernicka und Christian Lahusen "Power and Counter Power. The Transnational Structuring of Social Spaces and Social Fields", Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 43(1), 117-145.

Spannagel, Dorothee und Broschinski, Sven (2014): Reichtum in Deutschland wächst weiter. WSI Report 17.

Broschinski, Sven (2014): Landläufige Erklärungen für Armut in Europa. Der Einfluss von Sichtbarkeit und Wahrnehmung. Oldenburger Studien zur Europäisierung und zur transnationalen Regulierung.

Broschinski, Sven; Gütebier, Finn Lukas; Hanraets, Christopher und Hauber, Melanie (2013). Die Gesundheit der Armen. Eine vergleichende Analyse von erwerbstätigen und erwerbslosen Armen aus sozial-epidemiologischer Perspektive. Oldenburger Studien zur Europäisierung und zur transnationalen Regulierung.

Broschinski, Sven (2013): Armut im aktivierenden Sozialstaat. Neue Armutsrisiken in Deutschland als Folge der Aktivierungspolitik. Oldenburger Studien zur Europäisierung und zur transnationalen Regulierung.


Exploring the institutional configurations promoting youth disengagement from employment and education across Europe (gemeinsam mit Marie-Luise Assmann). ESPAnet 18th Annual Conference. Session 35.1: Social citizenship of young people. 31.08.-03.09.2021, Leuven.

The Role of Public Employment Services in Youth Labor Market Integration. 26th International Conference of Europeanists (CES). Panel 176: EU governance and policy-making. 20-22.06.2019, Madrid.

Relevance and Effectiveness of Public Employment Services for Youth Labor Market Integration - A cross-European Perspective. 6th European User Conference for EU-Microdata. 07.-08.03.2019, Mannheim.

The double dualization of European labour markets during the crisis. Wages, unemployment and job insecurity of labour market outsiders within and between Eurozone countries (gemeinsam mit Martin Heidenreich). 1. Kongress der Akademie für Soziologie. 04.-06.04.2018, München.

Presentation of Project 7: Europeanization of Social Inequalities. Im Rahmen des Seminars "Sociology of Europeanization" an der HU-& FU-Berlin. 22.01.2018, Berlin.

The Double Dualization of European Labour Markets during the Crisis (gemeinsam mit Martin Heidenreich und Matthias Pohlig). Conference of the Research Unit "Horizontal Europeanization". 02.11.-03.11.2017, Berlin.

The Public Sector Dilemma: Marginal Flexibilization as a Consequence of European Crisis Management and Fiscal Austerity (gemeinsam mit Jenny Preunkert). 24th International Conference of Europeanists (CES). Panel 090: Horizontal Europeanization: Europe as an emerging social entity between the national and the global sphere. 12.07.-14.07.2017, Glasgow.

Combating Social Exclusion through Activation Policies? The German Case. Challenges of Europe. Inclusion and Exclusion in Contemporary European Societies. 07.-11.04.2014, Dubrovnik.

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