
  • Mittels der EyeOnWater App können Bürger die Meeresfarbe zuordnen und so wertvolle Beobachtungen der Meeresumwelt beisteuern. Foto: Oliver Zielinski

From Indigo Blue to Coke Brown

The color of the coastal ocean is not only beautiful. For marine researchers it is also an important indicator of whether the sea is becoming darker. To answer this question in depth, researchers are collecting data worldwide using a mobile app developed at the Institute of Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM): The EyeonWater App. The project manager and marine physicist Oliver Zielinski from the ICBM explains how citizens can apply this app and how important their contribution is to the research project "Coastal Ocean Darkening". The detailed interview - in German language - can be found here:

The color of the coastal ocean is not only beautiful. For marine researchers it is also an important indicator of whether the sea is becoming darker. To answer this question in depth, researchers are collecting data worldwide using a mobile app developed at the Institute of Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM): The EyeonWater App. The project manager and marine physicist Oliver Zielinski from the ICBM explains how citizens can apply this app and how important their contribution is to the research project "Coastal Ocean Darkening". The detailed interview - in German language only - can be found here:

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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