Volume 14

ASF-Series - Volume 14

hilary perraton 

Theory, evidence and practice in open and distance learning

Theory, evidence and practice in open and distance learning' by Hilary Perraton assembles a number of previously published papers, spanning a period from 1973 to 2010. Each paper has been put into context by a short abstract which provides the background against which the paper has to be read.
Obviously such a collection reflects biographical experiences. Hence the vantage point is largely British. The British story (e.g. the Open University, the Commonwealth of Learning), however, is indeed a major thread in the narrative of distance education, and Hilary Perraton is well positioned to tell this story.
His papers address both key issues in distance education and, at the same time, discuss these issues in specific historical and/or geographical contexts. Hence they are of interest especially to those professionals in the field who consider a historical grounding and an awareness of the diversity of contexts in which distance education is operating as important.

Oldenburg: BIS-Verlag der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (2012)

ISBN-978-3-8142-2201-1 / € 22,00 / $ 27.00

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