
Dr. Anna Auguscik

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Anna Auguscik

Institute for English and American Studies
Literary and Cultural Studies

British & Anglophone Literary and Cultural Studies

  • The novel in the literary marketplace
  • The culture of literary prizes
  • Literature and science, and the two cultures debate
  • Expedition narratives

Student Advisor for BA, MA, M.Ed. as well as MAed students ('double Masters')
Working and Studying Abroad, Bafög

Curriculum vitae


2018-2022Associate Junior Fellow, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK)
2018-2021Post-Doc Research Fellow for the interdisciplinary research and writers’ fellowship program Fiction Meets Science II funded by Volkswagen Foundation, Oldenburg and Bremen
2014-2017Post-Doc Research Fellow for the interdisciplinary research and writers’ fellowship program Fiction Meets Science funded by Volkswagen Foundation, Oldenburg and Bremen
2014PhD in English Literature, University of Oldenburg: “Prizing Debate in Literary Interaction: The Fourth Decade of the Booker Prize and the Contemporary Novel in the UK”
since 2006Lecturer and Researcher in British & Anglophone Literature and Culture, Institute for English and American Studies, CvO University of Oldenburg
2006MA in English, Polish and Comparative Literature (Englische Literaturwissenschaft, Slavische Philologie, Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft), LMU München
2001-2006Studies in English and Slavonic Languages, Comparative Literature, LMU München and Università di Padova


Summer term 2025

Winter term 2024 / 2025

Summer term 2024

Winter term 2023 / 2024

Summer term 2023

Winter term 2022 / 2023

Summer term 2022

Winter term 2021 / 2022

Summer term 2021

Winter term 2020 / 2021

Summer term 2020

Winter term 2019 / 2020

Summer term 2019

Winter term 2018 / 2019

Summer term 2018

Winter term 2017 / 2018

Summer term 2017

Winter term 2016 / 2017



  • Auguscik, A. Prizing Debate: The Fourth Decade of the Booker Prize and the Contemporary Novel in the UK. Bielefeld: transcript, 2017. [1]

Special Issue

  • Auguscik, A., and S. Broders (panel eds.) Section: Limits of Knowledge – Knowledge of Limits: The Productiveness of Ignorance, Non-Knowledge, and Agnotology. In: Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 33.2 (2022): 77-191. [2]

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

  • (forthcoming) Auguscik, A. "'Our Doing and Undoing': Expeditionary Encounters and the Complex Mutuality of Cultural and Narrative Limits in Lily King’s Euphoria." Science, Culture, and Postcolonial Narratives. Ed. Anton Kirchhofer and Karsten Levihn-Kutzler. Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing
  • Auguscik, A., and S. Broders. "Introduction: Limits of Knowledge – Knowledge of Limits: The Productiveness of Ignorance, Non-Knowledge, and Agnotology." Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 33.2 (2022): 77-88. [3]
  • Auguscik, A., "Law on Ice: Polarizing Legal Expertise in Popular Climate Change Fiction." Symbolism: An International Annual of Critical Aesthetics (2021): 153-173. [4]
  • Auguscik, A. "The Death of the Archaeologist: Imagining Science, Storytelling and Self-Understanding in Contemporary Archaeofiction." Writing Remains: New Intersections of Archaeology, Literature and Science. Eds. Josie Gill, Catriona McKenzie, Emma Lightfoot. Bloomsbury, 2021. [5]
  • Auguscik, A., S. Farzin, E. Herold, and A. Kirchhofer. "Speculative Fiction and the Significance of Plausibility: Dystopian Science in the Critical Response to Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake." Under the Literary Microscope: Science and Society in the Contemporary Novel. Eds. Sina Farzin, Susan M. Gaines, and Roslynn D. Haynes. Penn State UP, 2021. [6]
  • Fücker, S., A. Auguscik, A. Kirchhofer, and U. Schimank. "A Fictional Risk Narrative and its Potential for Social Resonance: The Reception of Barbara Kingsolver's Flight Behavior in Reviews and Reading Groups." Under the Literary Microscope: Science and Society in the Contemporary Novel. Eds. Sina Farzin, Susan M. Gaines, and Roslynn D. Haynes. Penn State UP, 2021. [7]
  • Auguscik, A. "Kulturereignisse und Kulturpreise." Länderbericht Großbritannien. Hrsg. Roland Sturm. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, 2019. 299-306.[8]
  • Auguscik, A. "Spoiler Alert: Scott, Science, and Forms of Reenactment in Contemporary Expedition Narratives." Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 30.2 (2019): 47-64. [9]
  • Kirchhofer, A., and A. Auguscik. "Triangulating the Two Cultures Entanglement: The Sciences and the Humanities in the Public Sphere." Journal of Literature and Science 10. 2 (2017): 26-37. [10]
  • Roxburgh, N., A. Kirchhofer, A. Auguscik. "Universal Narrativity and the Anxious Scientist of the Contemporary Neuronovel." Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 49.4 (Dec 2016): 71-87. [11]
  • Auguscik, A. "The Institution of Literary Prizes." The Institution of English Literature: Formation and Mediation. Eds. Barbara Schaff, Johannes Schlegel, Carola Surkamp. Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2016. 311-320. [12]
  • Roxburgh, N. and A. Auguscik. "The Eighteenth-Century and the Literary Marketplace." The Handbook of Transatlantic North American Studies. Ed. Julia Straub. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter, 2016. 40-58. [13]
  • Auguscik, A. "The History of the Booker Prize as a History of Problems and Precarious Alliances." Precarious Alliances: Cultures of Participation in Print and Other Media. Eds. Martin Butler, Albrecht Hausmann, and Anton Kirchhofer. Bielefeld: Transcript. 2016. 47-62. [14]
  • Auguscik, A. "Lost in Translation: Literaturpreise im nationalen Literaturbetrieb". Literaturbetrieb. Zur Poetik einer Produktionsgemeinschaft. Eds. Philipp Theisohn and Christine Weder. Paderborn: Fink, 2013. 97-112. [15]
  • Auguscik, A. "Aravind Adiga, The White Tiger: Zwischen Repräsentanz und Kontroverse". Medienobservationen (July 2011): 1-20. [16]

Shorter Contributions

  • "Kreativer Reiseführer durch das Dickicht der Identitätsdebatten." Rezension von Audre Lorde: "Sister Outsider." Deutschlandfunk. 27.04.2021. [15]
  • "Der Roman als Resonanzraum." Rezension von Bernardine Evaristo: "Mädchen, Frau, Etc." Deutschlandfunk. 11.02.2021. [16]
  • "Ohne Koryphäen? Der Booker Prize 2020." Deutschlandfunk. 20.11.2020. [17]
  • "Olga Tokarczuk: Die Raumzeitreisende." Die Zeit Online. 10.10.2019. [18]
  • "Literaturpreise – ein historischer Abriss." Passim: Bulletin des Schweizerischen Literaturarchivs 23 (2019): 4-5. [19]
  • "Nachruf Chinua Achebe: Der Nelson Mandela der Literatur". Die Zeit Online. 22.03.2013. [20]
  • "Booker Prize: Thomas Cromwell als universaler Held". Die Zeit Online. 17.10.2012. [21]


  • "The Booker Book: A Discourse Analytical Approach to the Contemporary Literary Marketplace." This is the Canon: The Politics of the Reading List. University of Konstanz, 25 June 2024.
  • "Varieties of the Literary Expedition Narrative". BSLS, CoSciLit and SLSAeu Conference, Birmingham, 10-13 April 2024. (with Anton Kirchhofer)
  • "Changing the Climate of Fiction? Decolonial Character-Building and Stratigraphic Storytelling in Jaspreet Singh’s Face: A Novel of the Anthropocene." Interweaving Anthropology, Science, and Narrative: Postanthropocentric Mappings in the Era of Climate Crises, International Conference. IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, India (online). 3 November 2023. (with Anton Kirchhofer)
  • "The Climate of Fiction: Anthropocene Perspectives on the Human and its Others in Literary Narratives." Interweaving Anthropology, Science, and Narrative: Postanthropocentric Mappings in the Era of Climate Crises, International Conference. IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, India (online). 1 November 2023. (with Anton Kirchhofer) 
  • "Work and Travel: Women in Contemporary Expedition Narratives." Re:Work – Femininities, Neoliberalism and Labour in Contemporary Fiction, FAU Universität Nürnberg-Erlangen, 26 August 2023.
  • "Non-Knowledge (Il-)Literacy: Negotiating the Limits of Knowledge in the Age of Enlightenment." ISECS, Rome. 2-7 Jul 2023.
  • "Explorer Myth, Expedition Narratives, and the Planetary Turn." CEP Workshop: Theorizing Artificial Intelligence: From Digital Automatism to Planetary Autonomy. IIT Kharagpur West Bengal, India; online. 19-21 Jan 2023.
  • "Reconfiguring Patterns of Mobility and Knowledge: Contemporary Science Novels and the Epistemology of the Expedition Narrative." BSLS 2022, Manchester, 7-9 April. (with Anton Kirchhofer)
  • "Roundtable: Disciplinary Synergies: Science in Society and the Contemporary Science Novel." SLSA 2021, University of Michigan (online), 30 Sept - 3 Oct 2021. (with Sina Farzin, Carol Colatrella, Natalie Roxburgh, Uwe Schimank and Luz Maria Hernández Nieto, Susan M Gaines)
  • "Introduction: Limits of Knowledge, Knowledge of Limits. The Productiveness of Ignorance, Non-Knowledge and Agnotology in Anglophone Studies, Literature and Culture." Anglistentag 2021, Passau (online), 19-21 September 2021. (with Simone Broders)
  • "Encountering Strangers in Lily King's Euphoria." GAPS 2021, Oldenburg (online), 13-15 May 2021.
  • "Fiction meets Physics: Ein Experiment." Ringvorlesung: Zusammenspiel. CvO University of Oldenburg. 15 April 2021.
  • "Relations of Observation and the Formation of the Anthropological Subject in Lily King’s Euphoria." BSLS 2021, online, 8-10 April 2021.
  • "Scientific Expedition Narratives in Contemporary Fiction." Fellow Lecture: HWK Associate Junior Fellow, Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg, 9 September 2020.
  • "Die Raumzeitreisende Olga Tokarczuk." Matinee zum Internationalen Frauentag. GEDOK Lübeck, 8 Mar 2020.
  • "Novels about Scientific Expedition Narratives: Pre-WWI Heroic Explorers in Beryl Bainbridge's The Birthday Boys and Barry Unsworth's Land of Marvels." Historical Fictions Research Conference 2020, Unipark Nonntal, University of Salzburg, 21-22 February.
  • "Fiction Meets Science Meets Library? Einblicke in ein Forschungsprojekt und Überlegungen zur Zusammenarbeit mit der Universitätsbibliothek." VDB Göttingen, 6-7 Feb 2020.
  • "Der Booker Prize und seine Ableger: Überlegungen zu Literaturpreisen im (trans-)nationalen Raum." Workshop Literaturpreise – Theorie, Ökonomie, Politik. Universität Duisburg-Essen, 25./26. April 2019.
  • "Producing Knowledge in and of the Arctic: Franklin’s Lost Expedition in Contemporary Historical Fiction." The British Society for Literature and Science Annual Conference 2019. London Royal Holloway, April 2019.
  • "Knowing Antarctica: Expedition Novels as Forms of Literary Re-Enactment." Anglistentag. Sektion: "What Form Knows: The Literary Text as Framework, Model, and Experiment." Bonn, 23-26 Sept 2018.
  • "Exploring Global Dimensions of the History of Science in Expedition Narratives". 3rd International Conference on Science & Literature, 2-4 July 2018, Paris.
  • "What is an award? Methods, Media, and the Man Booker Prize." Keynote Lecture at the Symposium: And the Winner is…? Prizes and Awards in Arts and Culture. CAMEo Research Institute for Cultural and Media Economies, University of Leicester, 4 June 2018.
  • "Science Novels in Transcultural Contexts: Michael Ondaatje’s Anil’s Ghost and Manu Joseph’s Serious Men." The British Society for Literature and Science Annual Conference 2018. Oxford Brookes, April 2018.
  • "Empathy and the Scientist Reviewer: Critical Perspectives on Scientist Characters in Contemporary Fiction." EMPATHIES: 11th SLSAeu Conference. University of Basel, 21-24 June 2017.
  • "Fictional Science Narratives and their Global Dimensions: Media Spheres of the 'Transcultural Science Novel'." Narrating Science: The Power of Stories in the 21st Century. Toronto, 24-27 May 2017.
  • "Fantasies of Control: Genetics and the Fates of Scientists in Contemporary fiction." The British Society for Literature and Science Annual Conference 2016. University of Bristol, April 2017. (with Anton Kirchhofer)
  • "Exploring the Other, Excavating the Self? Representations of Archaeological Digs in Contemporary Expedition Novels."Writing Remains: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Archaeology and Literature. University of Bristol, 20 January 2017.
  • "In Search of a Common Problem: Matching Interests in Research Collaborations across the Two Cultures". Science Humanities Colloquium. Cardiff University, 3 Dec 2016. (with Anton Kirchhofer)
  • "Canons and Critical Profiles of the Contemporary ‘Science Novel’: Perspectives on Genres, Markets and Media Presence." The British Society for Literature and Science Annual Conference 2016. University of Birmingham, April 2016. (with Anton Kirchhofer)
  • "Evaluating Literature: Prizes, Reviews, Criticism." Ringvorlesung: Kultur und ihre Wissenschaften. CvO University of Oldenburg, 22 Jun 2015.
  • "Visions of the Immoral Scientist: Morality and the Perception of Science in Ian McEwan’s Solar and other Contemporary Climate Change Stories." The British Society for Literature and Science Annual Conference 2015. University of Liverpool, 16-18 Apr 2015. (with Anton Kirchhofer)
  • "Speculative Fiction and the Social and Literary Significance of Plausibility: Debating the Dystopian Science in Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake." Fiction Meets Science Workshop: Cultivating Ideas for a New Program, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst. 18-19 Nov, 2014 (joint paper with Emanuel Herold, Sina Farzin, Anton Kirchhofer)
  • "Macro-level problems, micro-level solutions?" The Reception of Barbara Kingsolver's Flight Behavior in reviews and reading groups." Fiction Meets Science Workshop: Cultivating Ideas for a New Program, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst. 18-19 Nov, 2014 (joint paper with Sonja Fücker, Uwe Schimank, Anton Kirchhofer)
  • "Neuroscience, Anxiety and Meta-Narrative in Recent British Neuronovels: David Lodge’s Thinks… and Ian McEwan’s Saturday." The British Society for Literature and Science Annual Conference 2014. University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, 10-12 Apr 2014. (with Anton Kirchhofer)
  • "Reviewing the Two Cultures: Discussing Contemporary Fiction in Nature." International Conference on Narrative 2013. Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. 27-29 Jun 2013.
  • "The Human in Nature: The Role of Literature, the Human and the Two Cultures in Leading Science Journals." The British Society for Literature and Science Annual Conference 2013. Cardiff University, Wales, 11-13 Apr 2013.
  • "Performing Authorship between Empowerment and Containment: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Literary Win-Win Situations". Reconfiguring Authorship. Ghent University, Belgium, 15-18 Nov 2012. (with Olaf Simons)
  • "Literature and Fiction in Contemporary Multi-Disciplinary Science Journals". 11th ESSE Conference 2012: Seminar 31. Interconnections Between Literature and Science. Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, 4-8 Sept 2012.
  • "The Institution of Literary Prizes". The Institution of Literature. Georg-August Universität, Göttingen, 30 Aug - 1 Sept 2012.
  • "The History of the Booker Prize as a History of Problems and Precarious Alliances". Prekäre Allianzen. HWK, Delmenhorst, 14-16 Jun 2012.
  • "The Role of the Critic". Ringvorlesung: Kultur und ihre Wissenschaften. CvO University of Oldenburg. 6 Jun 2012.
  • "The Role of Fiction in Multi-Disciplinary Science Journals: A Structured Survey (1990-2010)". BSLS 2012 Conference, Oxford, 12-14 April 2012. (with Anton Kirchhofer)
  • "Science as an Issue in Contemporary Literary Communication." Fiction Meets Science Workshop, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst, 18 Nov 2011. (with Anton Kirchhofer)
  • "Literature as Communication". A Symposium on Literature as Communication. Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland, 2-3 Sept 2011. (with Olaf Simons)
  • "Reading Postsecular Readings: The Sacred in Literary Texts and the Empowerment of the Critic". Empowerment and the Sacred: An Interdisciplinary Conference. University of Leeds, Institute of Colonial & Postcolonial Studies. 24-26 June 2011.
  • "The Culture of Literary Prizes: Im Wettbewerb um Würdigung". Ringvorlesung: Kultur und ihre Wissenschaften. CvO University of Oldenburg. 15 June 2011.
  • "Aravind Adiga, The White Tiger (2008). Zwischen Repräsentanz und Kontroverse". Workshop Gegenwart kontrovers. Literatur – Musik – Film – Bildende Kunst. LMU Munich. 28 Jul 2009.
  • "Sex & the City of Science: Populärkul­tur aus (Geistes)-­Wissenscha­ftlicher Sicht". Oldenburg: Stadt der Wissenschaft. CvO University of Oldenburg. English Department/American Studies. 29 Jun 2009. (with Maike Engelhardt, Annika McPherson, and Christina Meyer).

 Conferences / Workshops / Events

  • Workshop: FMS Study Group Kick-off Workshop, 14-15 Dezember 2023. (with S. Farzin)
  • International Conference: Fiction and the Anthropocene, IIT Kharagpur, 1-3 November 2023. (with S. Das, A. Pratihar, and A. Kirchhofer)
  • Panel: Non-Knowledge is Power? Transformations of the Concept of Ignorance in Enlightenment Literature and Culture. 16th Congress of ISECS, 3-7 July 2023. (with S. Broders)
  • Workshop: Scientific Expedition Narratives, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK, Delmenhorst), 19-21 June 2023. (funded by HWK and MWK / Pro Niedersachsen)
  • Symposium:The Ethics and Narratives of Non-Knowledge: Literary and Cultural Perspectives on the Limits of Research. Thematic Week: Ethics of Science. Current Challenges, Opportunities and Limitations. VolkswagenStiftung, Hannover, 2-4 November 2022. (with Simone Broders; funded by VolkswagenStiftung)
  • Workshop: Scientific Expedition Narratives, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK, Delmenhorst; online), 16.-18.February 2022. (funded by Fritz Thyssen Stiftung)
  • Sektion: "Limits of Knowledge, Knowledge of Limits. The Productiveness of Ignorance, Non-Knowledge and Agnotology in Anglophone Studies, Literature and Culture." Anglistentag 2021, Passau (online), 19-21 September 2021. (with Simone Broders)
  • FMS Writer-Scholars-Scientists-Workshops
    • "Experimental Encounters with Karen Fowler on We Are Completely Beside Ourselves" (Nov 2024)
    • "Experimental Encounters with Catherine Bush on Blaze Island" (Dec 2021)
    • "Experimental Encounters with Susan Gaines on Accidentals" (Jul 2021)
    • "Experimental Encounters with Jaspreet Singh on a forthcoming novel" (Dec 2020)
    • "Experimental Encounters with Chrissy Kolaya on Charmed Particles" (Feb 2020)
    • "Experimental Encounters with Pippa Goldschmidt on a forthcoming novel" (Jun 2018)
    • "Experimental Encounters with Bernhard Kegel on Abgrund" (Dec 2017)
    • "Experimental Encounters with Jaspreet Singh on Helium" (Nov 2017)
    • "Experimental Encounters with Susan Gaines on Carbon Dreams" (May 2016)
  • Narrating Science: The Power of Stories in the 21st Century. FMS and University of Guelph Conference. Toronto, 24-27 May 2017. ("Reading and conversation with novelists Allegra Goodman & Karen Joy Fowler", moderation)
  • Beyond the Literary Science Novel? Genres of Narrating Science Novels and the Case of Climate Change Fiction. Workshop. Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst. 16 Dec 2016. (co-organized with Sina Farzin)
  • Pippa Goldschmidt and Zoe Beck, The Falling Sky / Weiter als der Himmel. Author reading and discussion. Haus der Wissenschaft, 18 Jun 2015. (moderation)
  • Fiction Meets Science Conference. Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst. 19-21 Nov 2014.
  • Fiction Meets Science II. Workshop. Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst. 12-13 October, 2012.
  • Fiction Meets Science. Workshop. Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst. 18 November 2011.
  • Postsecular Britain? Religion, Culture and Agency. 19. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für das Studium Britischer Kulturen, Oldenburg. 20-22 November 2008. (organized and conducted a student conference wokshop)



  • with I. Mendoza und S. Grzesinska
  • Jakobson, R.O., "Die Vergangenheit" von Cyprian Norwid. In: Birus, H.; S. Donat (Hgg.), Roman Jakobson. Poesie der Grammatik und Grammatik der Poesie. Sämtliche Gedichtanalysen, Bd. 1. Berlin – New York 2007, S. 355-374.
  • Jakobson, R.O., "Gefühl" von Cyprian Norwid. In: Birus, H.; S. Donat (Hgg.), Roman Jakobson. Poesie der Grammatik und Grammatik der Poesie. Sämtliche Gedichtanalysen, Bd. 1. Berlin – New York 2007, S. 375-394.
  • Jakobson, R.O., Polnische Illustrationen zu "Linguistik und Poetik". In: Birus, H.; S. Donat (Hgg), Roman Jakobson. Poesie der Grammatik und Grammatik der Poesie. Sämtliche Gedichtanalysen, Bd. 2. Berlin – New York 2007, S. 217-236.
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