Silke Stroh

Research Interests

  • Regions: British Isles (four-nations approach; especially Scottish Studies), New Zealand, Canada, Africa
  • Nationalism & transnationalism; transculturality; migration & diaspora; minorities; multilingualism (Middle Ages to the present)
  • Colonialism & postcolonialism
  • Intersectionality
  • Inter- and multimediality (e.g. literature, film & TV)
  • Memory Studies
  • Modern medievalisms
  • Popular culture and demotic knowledge production (e.g. folklore and 17th- to 19th-century military poetry)
  • Black and Asian diasporic literature and culture in the British Isles
  • Interfaces between English Studies and Celtic Studies
  • Strategies for teaching transcultural competence in EFL (English as a foreign language) courses

Academic CV


2022: Completion of habilitation; venia legendi in English Philology; University of Münster; thesis title: "Narratives of transmigration: Multiple movement and cultures of memory in the British colonial diaspora"

2000-2006: PhD in English Studies; University of Frankfurt am Main; thesis title: "(Post)Colonial Scotland? Literature, Gaelicness and the nation"; overall grade: summa cum laude

1994-2000: M.A. in English Literature and Language; additional subjects: German Literature, Political Science; University of Frankfurt am Main; thesis title: "Affirmation und Kritik des Imperialismus in ausgewählten Schriften Joseph Conrads" ("The apology and critique of imperialism in selected writings by Joseph Conrad"); overall grade: "mit Auszeichnung" (with distinction)

1996-1997: Visiting student; subjects: English and Scottish Literature and Language, Scottish Gaelic Studies, Celtic Civilisation; University of Aberdeen


Academic positions:

since 04/2023: University of Oldenburg; Institute of English and American Studies; Lecturer in Postcolonial Studies

10/2023-03/2024: University of Koblenz; Department of English; Acting Professor of British Literary and Cultural Studies ("Vertretungsprofessorin für britische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft")

02/2023-07/2023:  University of Basel; English Department; Adjunct Lecturer of Postcolonial and Scottish Studies

2022-2023: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; Research Office; Manager for funding proposals and externally funded projects

2006-2022: University of Münster; English Department. Latterly Senior Lecturer ("Akademische Oberrätin a.Z.", 2020-2022); previously Lecturer / Assistant Professor ("Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin", 2006-2020) and Acting Full Professor of English, Postcolonial & Media Studies (while tenured incumbent Prof. Stein was on leave in 2010-2011)

2016: University of Basel; English Department; Adjunct Lecturer of Postcolonial and Scottish Studies

2014-2015: University of Mainz (Germersheim campus); School of Translation, Linguistics and Cultural Studies; Acting Junior Professor of Anglophone Studies (while usual incumbent was on temporary leave)

2005-2006: University of Giessen; English Department; Junior Lecturer

1996-2006: University of Frankfurt am Main; English Department; latterly Adjunct Lecturer (2005-2006), previously Junior Lecturer (2000-2001) and Teaching & Research Assistant (1995-1996, 1998-2000)


Long- and short-listings for professorships:

2022: Long-listed for Professorship of World Literatures (English), University of Amsterdam

2017: Short-listed (3rd place / "Listenplatz 3") for Professorship in British Studies (W 3 with tenure track), University of Mainz (Germersheim campus); demonstration lecture: "Scottishness in contemporary global pop culture: Difference, cultural hierarchy and translation in the Outlander series"

2014: Long-listed for Assistant Professorship in Global Literatures in English, University of Zürich; demonstration lecture: "Transmigrant memory and its discontents in New Zealand literature: Fiona Kidman and James McNeish"

2013: Long-listed for Professorship in Anglophone Literary Studies ("Englische Literaturwissenschaft / Anglophonie", W 2), University of Düsseldorf; demonstration lecture: "Cultural transition and the ailing body politic in recent anglophone African literature"

2009: Long-listed for Assistant Professorship in Postcolonial Studies, University of Bern; demonstration lecture: "Transmigration and (post)colonial discourse: Theories, histories and fictions of repeated relocation"


Grants and awards:

2018: ESSE Book Award (European Society for the Study of English) in the category "Cultural and Area Studies" for Gaelic Scotland in the Colonial Imagination: Anglophone Writing from 1600 to 1900.

2010-2018: Research grant from the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) for an international, interdisciplinary research network on the subject "Black Diaspora and Germany"

2015: Member of the organising and fundraising team for the international academic conference "Afroeuropeans: Black Cultures and Identities in Europe V"; participation in the writing of a successful grant application to the German Research Foundation (DFG)

2012: Travel grant from the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD) for attending the 11th International Conference of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), Istanbul

2010: Library grant for the purchase of Canadiana for Münster University's English Department, Understanding Canada / University Library Support Program, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT) & International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS)

2009: Member of the organising and fundraising team for the international academic conference “Postcolonial Trans­loca­tions”, which received grants from the German Research Foundation (DFG), from the Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität zu Münster (a society of friends and supporters of Münster University), and from various regional business companies

2001-2004: Research grant from the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes) for PhD project “(Post)Colonial Scotland? Literature, Gaelicness and the Nation”

1996-1997: Study grant from the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD) for a year at the University of Aberdeen


Professional affiliations and external functions

2014-2015 & since 2018: International Association for the Study of Scottish Literatures (IASSL)

since 2012: Deutscher Hochschulverband (German interdisciplinary association of university teachers)

since 2010: Peer reviewer for various academic journals (Anglica, Anglistik, EnterText, Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, Journal for the Study of British Cultures, La questione romantica: Rivista interdisciplinare di studi romantici, Litteraria Pragensia,Postcolonial Text, Publications of the Modern Language Association of America (PMLA), Scottish Literary Review)

since 2009: European Society for the Study of English (ESSE)

since 2009: Deutscher Anglistenverband (German association of university teachers in Anglophone Literary and Cultural Studies and Linguistics)

since 2006: European Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (EACLALS)

since 2003: Association for Scottish Literature (ASL; previously known as Association for Scottish Literary Studies / ASLS)

since 1996: Gesellschaft für Anglophone Postkoloniale Studien (GAPS), previously known as Association for the Study of the New Literatures in English (ASNEL) / Gesellschaft für Neue Englischsprachige Literaturen (GNEL)

2011-2017: Member of the International Committee of the Association for Scottish Literary Studies (ASLS)

2011-2016: Society for Scottish Studies in Europe

2014-2015: Official international contact person of the Universities Committee for Scottish Literature (UCSL)

2013-2014: Modern Language Association of America (MLA)


Current Teaching

Bachelor seminar: Comparative Indigenous Studies and indigenous cosmopolitanism: Memory, literature and activism

Bachelor seminar / practical course: Introduction to the critical and scholarly discussion of literature, groups 045 & 049

Former Teaching

At the University of Oldenburg:

Bachelor seminar: Tradition and modernity in anglophone West African literature: From folklore to futurism (summer semester 2023)

Bachelor seminar / practical course: Key concepts in Cultural Studies (summer semester 2023)


At other universities:

Lecture course: Imperial legacies, diasporic encounters: Black and Asian British literatures and cultures (spring semester 2023, University of Basel)

Bachelor seminar: Scotland's languages and literatures: An introduction (spring semester 2023, University of Basel)

Übung (practical course): Theory and literature (Bachelor level; winter semester 2021/22, University of Münster)

Colloquium: Readings in Language, Literature and Culture (Focus: Middle Ages to 1700) (Bachelor level; summer semesters 2021 & 2020, University of Münster)

Grundkurs (introductory seminar): Introduction to Literary & Cultural Studies II (summer semesters 2021 & 2014, University of Münster)

Colloquium: Postgraduate class (in Research Module II of M.A. programme “National & Transnational Studies: Literature, Culture, Language”) (winter semester 2020/21 and summer semesters 2014, 2013 & 2011, University of Münster)

Bachelor seminar: Postcolonialism and cultural memory: Theories, narratives, practices (winter semester 2020/21, University of Münster)

Bachelor seminar: The postcolonial Middle Ages (winter semester 2020/21, University of Münster)

Master seminar: Literature from Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwean diaspora (summer semester 2020, University of Münster)

Übung (practical course): Academic skills (Bachelor level; winter semesters 2019/20 & 2018/19, University of Münster)

Master seminar: James Joyce (summer semester 2019, University of Münster)

Master seminar: 18th-century Scotland in historical fiction: Scott – Stevenson – Gabaldon (summer semester 2018, University of Münster)

Master seminar: Indigeneity, imperialism and nationhood: New Zealand and the Maori experience (winter semester 2017/18, University of Münster)

Übung (practical course): Academic skills II (Bachelor level; summer semesters 2017 & 2013, University of Münster)

Master seminar: Scottish literature and culture (summer semester 2016, University of Münster)

Lecture course: (Post)Colonialism and the nation: Polities, literatures and cultures between unity and diversity (spring semester 2016, University of Basel)

Master seminar: Tradition and modernity in anglophone West African literature (spring semester 2016, University of Basel)

Übung (practical course): Introduction to Scottish Gaelic Studies: Language, culture and society (Bachelor & Master level; spring semester 2016, University of Basel)

Master seminar: Nation, nationalism, transnationalism: Historical and theo­retical foundations (winter semesters 2015/16, 2013/14, 2012/13, 2011/12, 2010/11, 2009/10 & 2008/09, University of Münster)

Master seminar: Fictions of migration (summer semester 2015, University of Münster)

Lecture course: Nationalism and transnationalism in the anglophone world: Theories, histories, and cultural productions (winter semester 2014/15, University of Mainz, Germersheim campus)

Master seminar: Caribbean culture – local and international representations (winter semester 2014/15, University of Mainz, Germersheim campus)

Übung (practical course): Introduction to Anglophone Studies (Bachelor & Master level; winter semester 2014/15, University of Mainz, Germersheim campus)

Lecture course: Introduction to Literary & Cultural Studies I (in collaboration with Mark Stein; winter semester 2013/14, University of Münster)

Übung (practical course): Academic skills I (Bachelor level; winter semester 2012/13, University of Münster)

Master seminar: Literature and transmigration (summer semester 2012, University of Münster)

Bachelor seminar: Three Indian novelists (summer semester 2012, University of Münster)

Bachelor seminar: Magic realism (winter semester 2011/12, University of Münster)

Bachelor seminar: Introduction to Irish Studies (summer semester 2011, University of Münster)

Lecture course: Medieval literature: Transcultural perspectives (winter semester 2010/11, University of Münster)

Colloquium: Postcolonial translocations (M.A. level and upwards; winter semester 2010/11, University of Münster)

Colloquium: Postgraduate class (in Research Module I of M.A. programme “National & Transnational Studies: Literature, Culture, Language”) (winter semester 2010/11, University of Münster)

Bachelor seminar: West African literature (winter semester 2010/11, University of Münster)

Bachelor seminar: William Morris and the Victorian Age (summer semester 2010, University of Münster)

Bachelor seminar / Proseminar: Caribbean short stories (winter semester 2009/10, University of Münster)

Bachelor seminar / Proseminar: New Zealand poetry (summer semester 2009, University of Münster)

Bachelor seminar / Proseminar: Enlightenment and empire (summer semester 2009, University of Münster)

Lecture course: Hotspots: Work in progress in literature, culture and language (in collaboration with various other staff members; winter semester 2008/09, University of Münster)

Bachelor seminar / Proseminar: Restoration drama (winter semester 2008/09, University of Münster)

Bachelor seminar / Proseminar: Writing colonial Australia (summer semester 2008, University of Münster)

Bachelor seminar / Proseminar: Travel writing (summer semester 2008, University of Münster)

Colloquium: Diaspora theory (M.A. level and upwards; winter semester 2007/8, University of Münster)

Bachelor seminar / Proseminar: East African literature: Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o (winter semester 2007/08, University of Münster)

Bachelor seminar / Proseminar: Asian British culture on film & TV (winter semester 2007/08, University of Münster)

Bachelor & Master seminar / Pro- & Hauptseminar: Too close to home? ‘Celtic fringes’ as cultural contact zones in travel writing from the British Isles (voluntary teaching; September 2007; ASNEL Summer School (ASS): “Arrivals and Departures: Stories of Motion”, University of Frankfurt a. M.)

Bachelor seminar / Proseminar: Canadian women’s writing: Margaret Laurence’s Manawaka cycle (summer semester 2007, University of Münster)

Bachelor seminar / Proseminar: What does it take to (un)make a nation? Readings in theory and literature (summer semester 2007, University of Münster)

Proseminar: Rewriting Chaucer: Transcultural readings from medieval England to 20th-century Nigeria (winter semester 2006/07, University of Münster)

Übung (practical course): Reading and analytical writing (Bachelor level; winter semester 2006/07, University of Münster)

Proseminar: (Post)Colonial and transcultural moments in Scottish literature (summer semester 2006, University of Münster)

Proseminar: Introduction to postcolonial theory (summer semester 2006, University of Münster)

Proseminar: Teaching literature and culture in the FL classroom (Focus: Poetry) (in collaboration with Britta Freitag; summer semester 2006, University of Giessen)

Proseminar: Postcolonial and transcultural encounters in Scotland and its diaspora (winter semester 2005/06, University of Frankfurt a. M.)

Proseminar: The British Isles on film – and in the EFL classroom (winter semester 2005/06, University of Giessen)

Proseminar: Teaching the cultural multiplicity of the British Isles (summer semester 2005, University of Giessen)

Language course: Introduction to Scottish Gaelic (voluntary teaching; extracurricular; winter semester 2001/02 – summer semester 2003; first English Dept., then Dept. of Comparative Linguistics, University of Frankfurt a. M.)

Proseminar: Introduction to Arthurian Studies, part II: From the Tudors to Monty Python
 (summer semester 2001, University of Frankfurt a. M.)

Proseminar: Introduction to Arthurian Studies, part I: The Middle Ages – from Celtic warlords and weirdos to the courtly classics of English tradition (winter semester 2000/01; University of Frankfurt a. M.)

Lecture/seminar combination: Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft I (Introduction to Literary
Studies I) (winter semester 2000/01; University of Frankfurt a. M.)

Tutorial: Einführung in die Neuen Englischsprachigen Literaturen und Kulturen (Introduction to the New Anglophone Literatures and Cultures) (accompanying a lecture course of the same title; winter semester 1999/2000; University of Frankfurt a. M.)

Tutorial: Einführung in die englische Kultur-, Ideen- und Sozialgeschichte I (Introduction to English cultural, intellectual and social history I) (accompanying a lecture course of the same title; winter semester 1999/2000; University of Frankfurt a. M.)

Tutorial: Einführung in die englische Kultur-, Ideen- und Sozialgeschichte II (Introduction to English cultural, intellectual and social history II) (accompanying a lecture course of the same title; summer semester 1999; University of Frankfurt a. M.)

Tutorial: Semesterbegleitende Studieneinführung für Erstsemester (Basic know-how and study skills for first-semester students) (summer semester 1998; University of Frankfurt a. M.)



Gaelic Scotland in the Colonial Imagination: Anglophone Writing from 1600 to 1900.
Evanston IL: Northwestern University Press 2017.
Winner of the ESSE Book Award 2018 (European Society for the Study of English) in the category "Cultural and Area Studies".
Reviewed in:

  • Eighteenth-century Scotland 32 (2018), 25 f (by Alastair Noble)
  • Études écossaises 22 (2023) (by Cyril Besson)
  • Northern Scotland 10.2 (2019), 202–204 (by Thomas Black)
  • Postcolonial Text 13.2 (2018) (by Wilson McLeod)
  • Scottish Literary Review 9.2 (2017), 168–170 (by Emma Dymock)
  • Studies in Scottish Literature 43.2 (2017), 351 f (by Carla Sassi; title: “Gaelic Scotland and Post-Colonial Readings”)

Uneasy Subjects: Postcolonialism and Scottish Gaelic Poetry.
SCROLL series (Scottish Cultural Review of Language and Literature), vol. 17. Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi 2011.
Reviewed in:

  • Anglistik 23.2 (2012), 183–185 (by Carla Sassi)
  • The Bottle Imp 12 (2012) (by Gioia Angeletti)
  • Cothrom 70 (2011), 43
  • Eighteenth-century Scotland 26 (2012), 30 f (by Matthew Dziennik)
  • International Review of Scottish Studies 37 (2012), 150–154 (by Michael Newton)
  • Journal for the Study of British Cultures 19.1 (2012), 102–105 (by Graeme Dunphy)
  • Postcolonial Text 6.4 (2011) (by Manfred Malzahn)
  • Representations and Contexts: A Transdisciplinary Journal of International Relations and Cultural Studies 3 (2014) (by Anke Bartels)
  • Scottish Gaelic Studies 29 (2013), 301–304 (by Michael Newton)
  • Scottish Literary Review 4.2 (2012), 213–215 (by Kirsten Sandrock)
  • Transnational Literature 7.2 (2015) (by Graham Tulloch)


Edited books and journals:

Mosques, Manses, Muirs, and ‘Moors’: Representations of Muslims and Islam in Scottish Culture.
Ed. with Manfred Malzahn. Issue no. 13.1 of Scottish Literary Review, 2021.

The Black Diaspora and Germany / Deutschland und die Schwarze Diaspora.
Ed. with other members of the research network “Black Diaspora and Germany” (‘BDG Network’). Münster: Edition Assemblage 2018.
Reviewed in:

  • KULT_online: Review Journal for the Study of Culture 58 (2019) (by Jeannette Oholi; title: “Black Subversion: Die Schwarze Diaspora in Deutschland heute und damals” / 'Black Subversion: The Black Diaspora in Germany Past and Present')
  • WeiberDiwan (summer 2019), 3 (title: “Schwarze Diaspora im deutschen Kontext” / 'Black Diaspora in the German Context')

Empires and Revolutions: Cunninghame Graham and his Contemporaries.
Ed. with Carla Sassi. Glasgow: Scottish Studies International 2017.

Postcolonial Translocations: Cultural Representation and Critical Spatial Thinking.
Ed. with Marga Munkelt, Markus Schmitz & Mark Stein. Cross/Cultures series, vol. 156. Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi 2013.​
E.g. reviewed in:

  • Anglistik 25.2 (2014), 189–191 (by Anke Bartels)
  • Wasafiri 29.1 (2014), 95 f (by Ruksana Abdul-Majid)

Hybrid Cultures – Nervous States: Britain and Germany in a (Post)Colonial World.
Ed. with Ulrike Lindner, Maren Möhring & Mark Stein. Cross/Cultures series, vol. 129. Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi 2010.
​Reviewed in:
Anglistik 23.1 (2012), 223 f (by Ellen Grünkemeier)
The European English Messenger 22.1 (2013), 85 f (by Carla Sassi)
Journal of Postcolonial Writing 47.5 (2011), 571–573 (by Dieter Riemenschneider)
Research in African Literatures 43.3 (2012), 127–129 (by Nina Berman)

Transcultural Identities: Britain.
Ed. with Britta Freitag. Issue no. 95 of Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch  ('Foreign-language Teaching: English'), 2008.

Postcolonial Theory: The Emergence of a Critical Discourse. A Selected and Annotated Bibliography.
Assistant editor. Main editor: Dieter Riemenschneider. Preface Homi K. Bhabha. Tübingen: Stauffenburg 2004. Repr. Jaipur & New Delhi: Rawat 2006.

(newsletter of the Association for the Study of the New Literatures in English, ASNEL;
Member of the editorial team 1996.



"Shifting Grounds: Writers of Colour in Twenty-first-century Scottish Literature." Scottish Writing After Devolution: Edges of the New, ed. by Marie-Odile Pittin-Hedon, Camille Manfredi & Scott Hames, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2022, 104–122.

“Literature and Beyond: The Uses of Postcolonial Perspectives in Gaelic Studies.” Cànan is Cultar / Language and Culture: Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 10, ed. by Wilson McLeod, Anja Gunderloch & Rob Dunbar, Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press 2021, 1–18.

Orientalism, Islamophobia and Scottish Multiculturalism in Torcuil Crichton’s Rewriting of Kidnapped”, in Scottish Literary Review 13.1 (2021), special issue: Mosques, Manses, Muirs, and ‘Moors’: Representations of Muslims and Islam in Scottish Culture, ed. Manfred Malzahn & Silke Stroh, 69–88.

“(Post)Colonial Contexts of the Declaration: Conquest, Resistance and the Ambiguities of Writing Back.” Scotland and Arbroath 1320 – 2020: 700 Years of Fighting for Freedom, Sovereignty, and Independence, ed. Klaus Peter Müller, Scottish Studies International, vol. 43, Berlin et al.: Peter Lang 2020, 55–73.

"Scottish–Indian Connections and (Trans)National Identity: Bashabi Fraser’s Engagement with the Literary and Visual Archive,” in Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht (LWU) ('Literature in Research and Teaching') 49.4 (officially dated 2016, but actually published in 2019), 249–264.

“Migration, Multiculture and Mirroring: Gaelic / South Asian Outreach in Iain Crichton Smith’s ‘An Duine Dubh’ and ‘The Exiles,’" in Litteraria Pragensia: Studies in Literature and Culture 28.55 (2018), themed issue: Irish-Language & Scottish Gaelic Literatures: A Global Context, ed. Radvan Markus & Petra Johana Poncarová, 82–95.

“Postcolonialism, Celticity, and the Nation State: Interrogating Old and New Multiculturalisms in Europe and beyond,” in Contested Identities: Literary Negotiations in Time and Place, ed. Claudia Marquis, Roger Nicholson & Gertrud Szamosi, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars 2015, 3–30.

“British (Post)Colonial Discourse and Imagined Roman Precedents: From Bernardine Evaristo's Londinium to Caesar's Britain and Gaul,” in Post-Empire Imaginaries? Anglophone Literature, History, and the Demise of Empires, ed. Barbara Buchenau & Virginia Richter, with Marijke Denger; Cross/Cultures series, vol. 182; Leiden & Boston MA: Brill Rodopi 2015, 181–215.

“Theories and Practices of Transmigration: Colonial British Diasporas and the Emergence of Translocal Space,” in Postcolonial Translocations: Cultural Representation and Critical Spatial Thinking, ed. S. Stroh, Marga Munkelt, Markus Schmitz & Mark Stein; Cross/Cultures series, vol. 156; Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi 2013, 295–320.

“Towards a Postcolonial Environment? Nature, 'Native', and Nation in Scottish Representations of the Oil Industry,” in Local Natures, Global Responsibilities: Ecocritical Perspectives on the New English Literatures, ed. Ines Detmers, Nancy Grimm, Katrin Thomson & Laurenz Volkmann; Cross/Cultures series, vol. 121; Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi 2010, 189–203.

“Transperipheral Translations? Native North American / Scottish Gaelic Connections,” in Translation of Cultures, ed. Petra Rüdiger & Konrad Gross, Cross/Cultures series, vol. 106; Amsterdam & Atlanta: Rodopi 2009, 255–271.

“The Long Shadow of Tacitus: Classical and Modern Colonial Discourses in the Eighteenth- and Early-nineteenth-century Scottish Highlands,” in Transcultural English Studies: Theories, Fictions, Realities, ed. Frank Schulze–Engler & Sissy Helff, Cross/Cultures, vol. 102; Amsterdam & Atlanta: Rodopi 2009, 339–354.

Other essays:​

“Empire & Colonialism”, in International Companion to Scottish Gaelic Literature, ed. Sìm Innes & Sheila Kidd, Glasgow: Association for Scottish Literature, forthcoming 2023/24.

“Gaelic Poetry and Drama” (c.1910–1979), in The Cambridge History of Scottish Literature, ed. Ian Duncan, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2023/24 (with Michelle MacLeod).

“Scottish Writers of Colour and their Place in the Canon: A European Perspective”, in The Meeting of Scotland and Europe, ed. Aniela Korzeniowska & Izabela Szymańska, Warschau: Semper, 2024, 79–92.

“Introduction,” in The Black Diaspora and Germany / Deutschland und die Schwarze Diaspora, ed. by BDG Network (S. Stroh et al.), Münster: Edition Assemblage 2018, 17–32 (co-written with other network members).

“George Padmore’s Writings in and about Germany: Interfaces of Race, Class and (Anti-)Imperialism”, in The Black Diaspora and Germany / Deutschland und die Schwarze Diaspora, ed. by BDG Network (S. Stroh et al.), Münster: Edition Assemblage 2018, 118–134.

“Introduction,” in Empires and Revolutions: Cunninghame Graham and his Contemporaries, ed. Carla Sassi & Silke Stroh, Glasgow: Scottish Literature International 2017, vii–xviii (with Carla Sassi).

“Nation and Home,” in The International Companion to Scottish Poetry, ed. Carla Sassi, Glasgow: Scottish Literature International 2015, 144–155 & 247 f (with Carla Sassi).

“The Gaelic Voice in (Post)Colonial Discourse: An Alignment Illustrated by Case Studies of Neil Gunn, William Neill and Tormod Caimbeul,” in Within and Without Empire: Scotland Across the (Post)Colonial Borderline, ed. Carla Sassi & Theo van Heijnsbergen, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars 2013, 77–91.

“Revisioning Irish Postcolonialism: The Scottish Connection,” in Anglistentag 2012 Potsdam: Proceedings, ed. Katrin Röder & Ilse Wischer; Proceedings of the Conference of the German Association of University Teachers of English, vol. 34; Trier: WVT 2013, 35–46.

“Damien O’Donnell, East Is East (1999),” in Film, ed. Susanne Peters, Klaus Stierstorfer, Dirk Vanderbeke & Laurenz Volkmann; Teaching Contemporary Literature and Culture, vol. 3.1; Trier: WVT 2013, 259–277.

“Introduction: Directions of Translocation – towards a Critical Spatial Thinking in Postcolonial Studies,” in Postcolonial Translocations: Cultural  Representation and Critical Spatial Thinking, ed. S. Stroh, Marga Munkelt, Markus Schmitz & Mark Stein; Cross/Cultures series, vol. 156; Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi 2013, xiii–lxxix (with M. Munkelt, M. Schmitz & M. Stein).

“Alistair MacLeod and the Casualties of Global Modernity: Colonisation, Diaspora and Class in No Great Mischief,” in Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht (LWU) ('Literature in Research and Teaching') 44.4 (2011), 237–253.

“Gaeldom and Multi-ethnic Scotland: A Long History and a Short Story,” in The Bottle Imp 10 (Nov. 2011).

“Introduction,” in Hybrid Cultures, Nervous States: Britain and Germany in a (Post)Colonial World, ed. S. Stroh, Ulrike Lindner, Maren Möhring & Mark Stein; Cross/Cultures series vol. 129; Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi 2010, xi–xlvi (with U. Lindner, M. Möhring & M. Stein).

“Muslims, the Discourse on (Failed) Integration in Britain, and Kenneth Glenaan’s Film Yasmin,” in Hybrid Cultures, Nervous States: Britain and Germany in a (Post)Colonial World, ed. S. Stroh, Ulrike Lindner, Maren Möhring & Mark Stein; Cross/Cultures, vol. 129; Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi 2010, 229–251.

“Tsitsi Dangarembga, The Book of NOT,” in Novels, ed. Susanne Peters, Klaus Stierstorfer & Laurenz Volkmann; Teaching Contemporary Literature and Culture, vol. 2.1; Trier: WVT 2008, 135–156.

“Crossing Cultures – from Burns to Bhangra! Identitätsentwürfe im Film Ae Fond Kiss untersuchen” (‘… Analysing identity constructions in the film Ae Fond Kiss’), in Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch ('Foreign-language Teaching: English') 95 (2008), themed issue: Transcultural Identities: Britain, ed. S. Stroh & Britta Freitag, 30–37 (with Britta Freitag).

“Cultural Identities on the Move,” in ibid., 2–6 (with Britta Freitag & Uta v. Reinersdorff).

“Transkulturalität und Intertextualität in der Oberstufe: Arranged Marriage in Film und Drama” (‘Transculturality and Intertextuality in Senior High School Teaching: Arranged Marriage in Film and Drama’), in Moderne Dramendidaktik für den Englischunterricht (‘Modern Methods and Suggestions for Teaching Drama in EFL Classrooms’), ed. Rüdiger Ahrens, Maria Eisenmann & Matthias Merkl; Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter 2008, 371–384.

“Moral und Politik in Conrads nichtfiktionalen Schriften: Eine postkoloniale Polemik“ (‘Morality and Politics in Conrad’s Non-fictional Writings: A Postcolonial Polemic’), in Joseph Conrad (1857–1924), ed. Cordula Lemke & Claus Zittel; Memoria, vol. 8; Berlin: Weidler 2007, 33–57.

“Scotland as a Multifractured Postcolonial Go-between? Ambiguous Interfaces between (Post-)Celticism, Gaelicness, Scottishness and Postcolonialism,” in Global Fragments: (Dis)Orientation in the New World Order, ed. Anke Bartels & Dirk Wiemann; Cross/Cultures series, vol. 90; Amsterdam & Atlanta: Rodopi 2007, 181–195.


Wilson McLeod, Gaelic in Scotland: Policies, Movements, Ideologies (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2020). In: Journal of British Studies 61.4 (2022), 1068–1070.

Inspiring Views from “a’ the airts” on Scottish Literatures, Art & Cinema: The First World Congress of Scottish Literatures in Glasgow 2014, ed. Klaus Peter Müller, Ilka Schwittlinsky & Ron Walker (Frankfurt am Main et al.: Peter Lang Edition 2017). In: Scottish Literary Review 9.2 (2017), 188–190.

Beredter Norden: Schottische Lyrik seit 1900 ('Eloquent North: Scottish Poetry since 1900'), ed. Iain Galbraith (Berlin: Edition Rugerup 2011). In: The Bottle Imp 19 (June 2016).

Seanchaidh na Coille: The Memory-Keeper of the Forest. Anthology of Scottish-Gaelic Literature of Canada, ed. Michael Newton (Sydney, N.S.: Cape Breton University Press 2015). In: The Bottle Imp 19 (June 2016).

Scotland 2014 and beyond – Coming of Age and Loss of Innocence?, ed. Klaus Peter Müller (Frankfurt am Main et al.: Peter Lang 2015). In: Études Écossaises ('Scottish Studies') 18 (2016), 168–174.

Michael Klevenhaus, Grammatikübungsbuch Schottisch-Gälisch (Hamburg: Buske 2014). In: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie ('Journal of Celtic Philology’) 62 (2015), 227–230.

Ideological Battlegrounds: Constructions of Us and Them before and after 9/11, Vol. 1: Perspectives in Literatures and Cultures, ed. Joanna Witkowska & Uwe Zagratzki (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2014). In: Anglistik 26.2 (2015), 211–213.

Rosemary Anne Selle, The Parritch and the Partridge: The Reception of Robert Burns in Germany. A History, 2nd revised and augmented edition by Lennart Brieger, Tiana Mareen Fischer, Ines Gundlach, Mirja Kristina Michels, Juliane Pflugmacher, Frauke Reitemeier & Mar Sydymanov (Frankfurt am Main et al.: Peter Lang 2013). In: Scottish Studies Newsletter 45 (May 2015), print version: pp. 65-69; online version: pp. 59–62.

Listening to Africa: Anglophone African Literatures and Cultures, ed. Jana Gohrisch & Ellen Grünkemeier (Heidelberg: Winter 2012), and The Freetown Bond: A Life under Two Flags by Eldred Durosimi Jones, with assistance from Marjorie Jones (Woodbridge: James Currey 2012). In: Wasafiri 29.1 / issue 77 (2014), 93 f.

Us and Them – Them and Us: Constructions of the Other in Cultural Stereotypes, ed. Anna Gonerko-Frej, Malgorzata Sokol, Joanna Witkowska & Uwe Zagratzki (Aachen: Shaker 2011). In: Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 37.2 (2012), 279–283.

Stefanie Lehner, Subaltern Ethics in Contemporary Scottish and Irish Literature: Tracing Counter-Histories (Basingstoke et al.: Palgrave Macmillan 2011). In: Postcolonial Text 7.2 (2012).

Monika Bednarek, The Language of Fictional Television: Drama and Identity (London & New York: Continuum 2010). In: Anglistik ('English Studies') 22.2 (2011), 178–181.

Cheeky Fictions: Laughter and the Postcolonial, ed. Susanne Reichl & Mark Stein (Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi 2005). In: Journal for the Study of British Cultures 13.1 (2006), 91 f.

Postcolonial Wales, ed. Jane Aaron & Chris Williams (Cardiff: U of Wales P 2005). In: Journal for the Study of British Cultures 12.2 (2005), 182–184.

Other short publications:

“Editorial”, in Scottish Literary Review 13.1 (2021), special issue: Mosques, Manses, Muirs, and ‘Moors’: Representations of Muslims and Islam in Scottish Culture, ed. Manfred Malzahn & Silke Stroh, v–x. (co-written with Manfred Malzahn)

“Ùpraid anns a' ghàrradh: Mì-mhodh, mion-chànain, agus feum air àite tèarainte” (‘Uproar in the Garden: Impoliteness, Minority Languages and the Need for Safe Space’), Clish, 3 August 2020; republ. on Progressive Gaelic, 5 September 2020.

“Preface,” in The Black Diaspora and Germany / Deutschland und die Schwarze Diaspora, ed. by BDG Network (S. Stroh et al.), Münster: Edition Assemblage 2018, 10-16 (co-written with other network members).

Conference report:  “‘Empires and Revolutions: R. B. Cunninghame Graham and other Scottish Writers on Globalisation and Democracy, c. 1850–1950’, Association for Scottish Literary Studies (ASLS), Stirling, 3–5 July 2015.” In: Scottish Studies Newsletter 46 (2016), 95–97.

Endorsement of Michael Newton's Seanchaidh na Coille: The Memory-Keeper of the Forest. Anthology of Scottish-Gaelic Literature of Canada (Sydney, N.S.: Cape Breton University Press 2015) as one of the “Best Scottish Books of 2015.” In: The Bottle Imp 18 (2015).

“Celticity and the Gaelic Voice in (Post)Dolonial Discourse,” on homepage of seminar 31 of the 2010 conference of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE; Torino, Italy, 24–28 August; seminar title: “Dis/placing the British Empire: Theoretical and Critical Views from Scottish Studies”), School of English & Scottish Language & Literature (SESLL), University of Glasgow, Homepage: seminarsandconferences/esse2010seminar31/papersandabstracts/#d.en.150544; direct URL: (publ. July 2010).

“Auswahlbibliografie“ (select bibliography for further reading on the journal issue’s topic), in Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch (‘Teaching English as a Foreign Language’) 95 (2008), themed issue: Transcultural Identities: Britain, ed. S. Stroh & Britta Freitag, 7 (with Britta Freitag).

Abstract of PhD dissertation “(Post)Colonial Scotland? Literature, Gaelicness and the Nation,” Acolit 58 (July 2006), 68–72.

“Die Bildungsstandards und ihre Umsetzung in den 16 Bundesländern: Der Stand der Dinge” (‘The New National Educational Standards and their Implementation in the 16 Federal States of Germany: The Current Situation’), in Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch 81 (3 / 2006), themed issue: Bildungsstandards, ed. Wolfgang Hallet & Andreas Müller–Hartmann, 10 f.

139 entries in Postcolonial Theory: The Emergence of a Critical Discourse. A Selected and Annotated Bibliography, main ed. Dieter Riemenschneider, preface Homi K. Bhabha, Tübingen: Stauffenburg 2004; repr. Jaipur & New Delhi: Rawat 2006.

Conference report: “Global Fragments: Dis-Orientation in the New World Order (Magdeburg)”, in The European English Messenger 12.2 (2003), 76–78.

Conference report: “The Cultural Politics of English as a World Language (Freiburg),” in The European English Messenger 10.2 (2001), 75–77.

Conference report: “Shakespeare: Vom Globe zur Globalisierung (Bremen)” (‘Shakespeare: From the Globe to globalisation’), in Acolit 48 (June 2001), 9 f.

Abstract of M.A. thesis “Affirmation und Kritik des Imperialismus in ausgewählten Schriften Joseph Conrads” (‘The apology and critique of imperialism in selected writings by Joseph Conrad’), in Acolit 47 (December 2000), 22 f.

Conference report: “Towards a Transcultural Future (Aachen),” in Acolit 46 (June 2000), 10–12.

​Conference report: “Colonies, Missions, Cultures in the English-Speaking World (Tübingen),” in Anglistik ('English Studies') 10.2 (1999), 195–199.

Conferences and Talks

Conference keynotes & invited papers:

2022: “Scottish Writers of Colour and their Place in the Canon,” keynote, “Scotland in Europe Conference V,” University of Warsaw

2018: “Literature and beyond: The Uses of Postcolonial Perspectives in Gaelic Studies,” keynote, conference “Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 10,” University of Edinburgh

2017: “Indian Dimensions in Scottish National Identity: Bashabi Fraser’s Engagement with the Literary and Cultural Archive,” invited paper, workshop “Indian and Northern Europe – Identity Formation, Nation, and Knowledge Transfer in the 19th and 20th Century,” University of Kiel

2014: “Walter Kennedy as an Early Postcolonial Trailblazer? Medieval and Modern Images of the Border-crossing Intellectual,” invited paper, symposium “Educated Out: The Literature of these Isles,” University of Aberdeen

2012: “Postcolonialism, Celticity and the Nation State: Interrogating Old and New Multiculturalisms in Europe and beyond,” keynote, 14th International Conference on the Literature of Region & Nation, University of Pécs

2012: “European (Post)Colonialisms and the Historicisation of Difference: From Antiquity’s Empires to Convivial Futures,” keynote, conference “Interrogating Cosmopolitan Conviviality,” University of Bamberg


Conference organisation:

2022: Member of the international steering committee of the 3rd World Congress of Scottish Literatures (Charles University, Prague, 22–26 June). Also organisation of a panel on “Writing Scotland’s (Post-)Imperial Diasporas.”

2015: Member of the organising team of “Afroeuropeans: Black Cultures and Identities in Europe V,” University of Münster

2015: Main organiser (with Carla Sassi) of “Empires and Revolutions: R.B. Cunninghame Graham and Other Scottish Writers on Empire and Democracy (c. 1850–1950),” Association for Scottish Literary Studies, Stirling

2014: Co-organiser (with Alan Riach) of conference section “Edwin Morgan and the Prospect of Scotland,” 12th International Conference of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Košice

2013: Main organiser (with Christina Oppel-Hédon) of the 5th Workshop of the research network “Black Diaspora and Germany,” Berlin

2012: Co-organiser (with Manfred Malzahn) of conference section “‘Turks of Tartary’? Images of Islam in Scottish Writing,” 11th International Conference of ESSE, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul

2010: Main organiser of “Transcending Diaspora: Whiteness, Performativity, and the Politics of the Body,” 1st public workshop of the research network “Black Diaspora and Germany,” University of Münster

2009: Member of the organising team of “Postcolonial Translocations,” 20th annual conference of the Association for the Study of the New Literatures in English (ASNEL), University of Münster

2007: Member of the organising team of “Hybrid Cultures, Nervous States: Insecurity & Anxiety in Britain and Germany in a (Post)Colonial World,” University of Münster

2005: Co-organiser (with Peter Marsden & Virginia Richter) of panel discussion “Translating Cultures, Translating Disciplines? Intra- and Interdisciplinary Exchange in Postcolonial Studies,” 16th annual ASNEL conference: “Translations of Cultures,” University of Kiel

2004: Organiser of conference section “‘Celtic Fringes’ and their Diasporas,” 15th annual ASNEL conference: “Transcultural English Studies,” University of Frankfurt


Other conference contributions:

2023: “Colonial Transmigration and the Role of Infrastructure: Practices, Narratives and Memory.” Paper at conference “Postcolonial Infrastructure”, Gesellschaft für anglophone postkoloniale Studien (GAPS; ‘Society for Anglophone Postcolonial Studies’), University of Konstanz

2022: Paper “(Re-)Imagining the Normanist/Waipu Community: Religion, Gender and Racial Hierarchies”; & panelist at discussion “The Future of Scottish Literatures Past (Pre-Union), 3rd World Congress of Scottish Literatures, Charles University, Prague

2022: “Re-imagining Zimbabwean and Global Crises: Victimhood and Agency in Tendai Huchu’s Short Fiction.” Paper at conference “Contested Solidarities: Agency and Victimhood in Anglophone Literatures and Cultures“, Gesellschaft für anglophone postkoloniale Studien (GAPS; ‘Society for Anglophone Postcolonial Studies’), University of Frankfurt

2015: “The Ideological Construct of the ‘Body Politic’ in Karen King-Aribisala’s Kicking Tongues.” Paper at conference “Ideology in Postcolonial Texts and Contexts”, Gesellschaft für Anglophone Postkoloniale Studien (GAPS; ‘Society for Anglophone Postcolonial Studies’), University of Münster

2014: “(Post)Colonial Discourse and the British Archipelago(es): Re-reading Travel Writing from the Eve of Union.” Paper at 1st World Congress of Scottish Literatures, University of Glasgow

2014: “(Post)colonial Celts and the Issue of Racism.” Paper at 129th Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association of America (MLA), Chicago

2012: “Revisioning Irish Postcolonialism: The Scottish Connection.” Paper at Anglistentag (annual conference of the Deutscher Anglistenverband, i.e. the German Association of English Studies), University of Potsdam, Germany

2012: “Muslims and the Scottish Canon: Recent Multicultural Rewritings of Burns and Stevenson.” Paper at 11th International ESSE Conference, Istanbul

2012: “Roman Precedents of British (Post)Colonial Discourse: Patterns, Alignments, Subversions.” Paper at 23rd annual ASNEL conference: “Post-Empire Imaginaries? Anglophone Literature, History and the Demise of Empires,” University of Bern

2010: “Transperipherality as a Model for Diaspora Studies? – Interfaces of Race, Class and (Post)colonialism.” Paper at workshop “Transcending Diaspora: Whiteness, Performativity, and the Politics of the Body,” University of Münster

2010: “Celticity and the Gaelic Voice in (Post)Colonial Discourse.” Paper at 10th International ESSE Conference, Torino

2010: “Inter-colonial Migrations and the Evolution of Transnational Identities.” Paper at conference “Strokes across Cultures,” Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (ACLALS), Nicosia

2010: “Contesting Diasporic Community Identity: Normanism, Gender and Colonial Settlement in the Writings of Flora McPherson and Fiona Kidman.” Paper at 21st annual ASNEL conference: “Contested Communities: Communication, Narration, Imagination,” University of Bayreuth

2009: Paper “Theories and Practices of Transmigration: Translocation and Colonial British Diasporas”; & panelist at discussion “Theory and Methods of Teaching Postcolonial Literatures in Secondary Schools,” ASNEL conference “Postcolonial Translocations,” University of Münster

2007: “Towards a Postcolonial Environment? Nature, ‘Native’ and Nation in Scottish Cultural Representations of the Oil Industry.” Paper at 18th annual ASNEL conference: “Local Natures, Global Responsibilities,” University of Jena

2007: “Gender, Islam and (Failed) Integration in Britain: K. Glenaan’s Film Yasmin (2004) and the Public Debate.” Paper at conference “Hybrid Cultures, Nervous States: Insecurity & Anxiety in Britain and Germany in a (Post)Colonial World,” University of Münster

2006: “Transcultural Visions in a Fractured Mirror: Word and Image in Ken Loach’s Film Ae Fond Kiss.” Paper at 17th annual ASNEL conference: “Word and Image,” University of Koblenz–Landau

2005: “Transperipheral Translations? Native North American / Scot­tish Gaelic Connections.” Paper at ASNEL conference “Translations of Cultures,” University of Kiel

2004: “The Long Shadow of Tacitus: Intersections of Classical and Modern Colonial Discourses in the 18th-century Scottish Highlands.” Paper at ASNEL conference “Transcultural English Studies,” University of Frankfurt

2004: “Cultural Translation and Liminality in Scotland around 1700: Martin Martin and Maighstir Seathan.” Paper at conference “Connecting Cultures,” University of Kent at Canterbury

2003: “Scotland as a Multi-fractured Post/Colonial Go-between? Ambiguous Interfaces between (Post-)Celticism, Gaelicness, Scottishness, British­ness, and Postcolonial Theory.” Paper at 14th annual ASNEL conference: “Global Fragments: Dis-Orientation in the New World Order,” University of Magdeburg


Guest lectures:

2022: “Decolonising National Space: Regional Cartographies in 21st-century Black British Culture.” Guest lecture in Prof. Mark U. Stein‘s course “Postcolonial Perspectives,” University of Münster

2022: “Indigenous Cosmopolitanism.” Guest lecture in Prof. Mark U. Stein’s course “CosmopolitanismS: Citizens of the World?”, University of Münster

2022: “Neo-Victorianism and Memories of Empire: Settler (Trans-)Migration between Romance and Contestation.” University of Basel

2021: “Coimhearsnachd Waipu: Imreachd, fèin-aithne agus cuimhne thàr-nàiseanta bhon 19mh linn chun an latha an-diugh” (‘The Waipu Community: Migration, Identity and Transnational Memory from the 19th Century to the Present’). Gaelic Society of Glasgow

2019 & 2017: “Progress and Primitivism: Highland Scotland, the Metropolitan Readership and James Macpherson’s Ossian.” University of Basel

2018: “Stating the Nation? ‒ Decolonising Strategies in Gaelic Poetry.” Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

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