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Martin Butler

Institute for English and American Studies
Literary and Cultural Studies

Prof. Dr. Martin Butler

American Literary and Cultural Studies

The study of American literature and culture at the University of Oldenburg is framed by a context-sensitive approach in research and teaching, which sets out to understand culture practices as embedded in specific historical and regional environments, in which they are shaped and to which they give shape at the same time. Whereas teaching covers different periods of North American literary and cultural history and focuses on a variety of media, genres as well as regions, my research particularly focuses on popular culture, specifically on forms and figures of cultural mobility in North- and Inter-American as well as Transatlantic contexts, digital media cultures, and, most recently, on the production of future imaginaries in popular narratives.

Academic CV

Since 04/2016 Full Professor of American Literary and Cultural Studies, University of Oldenburg

04/2010-03/2016 Junior Professor of American Literary and Cultural Studies, University of Oldenburg  

04/2007-03/2010 Research assistant at the Department of Anglophone Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen

10/2004-03/2007 Lecturer at the Department of English and American Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen

01/2004-09/2004 Research assistant at the Department of Economics, University of Duisburg-Essen

11/2003 First State Examination (Sek.I & II), English and Social  Sciences, University of Duisburg-Essen

10/1998-11/2003 Studies of English, Social Sciences and Pedagogy, University of Duisburg-Essen 

Current/Recent Projects

PhD Program "Gestalten der Zukunft: Transformation der Gegenwart durch Szenarien der Digitalisierung" (co-speaker, with Prof. Dr. Thomas Alkemeyer; funding: Ministry for Science and Culture, Lower Saxony, 10/2019-09/2024)

"Science on TV: Representations of Science and the Scientist in the Second 'Golden Age of Television", as part of "Fiction Meets Science II" (funding: VWStiftung, 05/2018-04/2021)

PhD Program "Migrationsgesellschaftliche Grenzformationen: Wissensordnungen, Materialitäten, Subjektivierungen" (speaker, funding: Ministry for Science and Culture, Lower Saxony, 10/2016-09/2020)

"Zukunft Gestalten: Entstehung und Wirkung von Zukunftsentwürfen in gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozessen" (with Prof. Dr. Thomas Alkemeyer and Prof. Dr. Paul Mecheril; funding: Ministry for Science and Culture, Lower Saxony, 04/2018-01/2020)

PhD Program "Kulturen der Partizipation / Cultures of Participation" (speaker, funding: Ministry for Science and Culture, Lower Saxony, 10/2014-09/2018)

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