Contact information

Questions to application process

Prof. Dr. Olaf R.P. Bininda-Emonds

Student association

Fachschaft Biologie

Bifak. Academic Commission Faculty V & VI

Bifak. Stuko und Studiengremium LÖK

Application Master of Science Biology

Application deadlines

Winter term

15th June for admission to first semester, 15th July for admission to higher semesters

  • For Applicants holding a German degree: apply via the university application portal. It will open on the 15th of May.
  • For Applicants who received their prior education abroad: apply via uni-assist. If you need a visa, we strongly recommend to submit your application to uni-assist by the 31th of March at the latest.

Summer term

15th January for admission to higher semesters. Application for beginning students is not possible in summer semester.


Admission requirements

Relevant degree (usually Bachelor or equivalent)

  • in biology or in a closely related field (e.g. behavioural biology, biodiversity, ecology, evolutionary biology, molecular genomics, neurobiology, sensory biology, among others).


  • contained a minimum of 90 of 180 CPs in biology or the related fields in the previous point.

If you are still in the process of completing your degree, at least 150 credit points must be documented by the application deadline.

Refer to admissions regulations for details.

Language proficiency

English at B2 level of the Common Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Checklist of Documents

  • (Preliminary) Certificate of Bachelor education
  • Specific Eligibility Form
  • Proof of English proficiency
  • Documentation of additional qualifications if applicable

Admission procedere

The study course is admission limited. If the number of applicants exceeds the number of available study places, a ranking will be made. The ranking is based on the sum of points from categories A and B (see admissions regulations and specific eligibility form for further information)

Category A: Assessment of the grade of the Bachelor’s degree (up to 6 points)

Category B: Additional qualifications (up to 5,5 points), e.g.

  • Relevant scientific publications, conference presentations or posters (as presenter / co-presenter, prizes, or distinctions
  • At least three months of relevant project work outside of the course of studies
  • work as student helper or tutor
  • Relevant work experience equivalet to 12 months full-time (cumulatively)
  • Studying outside of the country for at least one month as part of the course of studies
  • Voting member of any university committees or student’s associations
Birgit Vollrath (Changed: 31 Jul 2024)  | 
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