
Group Leader

Prof. Dr. Jarl Ivar van der Vlugt


Group members


Petra Rösner

W3 3-339


FAX: 0441 798 3352


Adress and Direction

Alumni and Former Group Members

University of Oldenburg

Dr. Siuli Das, Postdoc
M.Sc. Annemiek deVries
Andre Hockmann

PhD Students University of Amsterdam

Promotor as PI

1. Dr. Raoul Plessius (16th June 2020)
Title: Well-Defined Redox-Active Supramolecular Assemblies
2020 -       Forensic scientist at NFI, Den Haag

Co-Promotor as PI

2. Dr. Daniël L. J. Broere (7th June 2016) Cum Laude
Title: New Avenues for Redox-Active Ligands: Non-classical reactivity with late transition metals facilitated by o-aminophenol derived architectures
2016 - 2017  Postdoc (NWO Rubicon fellow) at Yale University (Holland Group)
2017-             Tenure-track Assistant Professor at Utrecht University

3. Dr. Sandra de Boer (28th June 2016)
Title: Proton-Responsive Pyridine-based Ligands: Synthesis, coordination chemistry and catalysis
2016-              Specialist water quality at AVF Water, Zwanenburg

4. Dr. Linda S. Jongbloed (28th September 2016)
Title: Fundamental Reactivity of the Metal-Carbon bond in Cyclometalated PNC-Complexes
2016                 Postdoc at UvA
2017-               Project manager at NWO, Den Haag

5. Dr. Vincent Vreeken (1st December 2016)
Title: PNP Pincer Ligands in Late Transition Metal Nitrido Chemistry and Gold Catalysis
2017 -              Research chemist coatings at Akzo Nobel, Sassenheim

Co-Promotor as co-PI

6. Dr. Sander Oldenhof (10th March 2015, with Reek)        
Title: The Role of METAMORPhos Ligands in Transition Metal Complex Formation and Catalysis          
2015 - 2017    Postdoc at TU Delft          
2017-                Forensic scientist at NFI, Den Haag

7. Dr. Zhou Tang (4th December 2015, with de Bruin)   
Title: Versatile Cooperative Ligand Effects in Group 9 Transition Metal Catalysis: Applications in transfer hydrogenation & hydrogen autotransfer reactions, ketene & ketene imine synthesis and hydroformylation
2016 -              Postdoc at Hong Kong University (Che Group)

8. Dr. René Becker (14th September 2016, with Reek)
Title: [FeFe]Hydrogenase Mimics for Proton Reduction Catalysis: Supramolecular proton reduction catalysts with appended redox-active and proton-responsive ligands towards application in a molecular artificial leaf   2017 - 2019     Engineer at Avantium, Amsterdam
2019 -               Entrepeneur, Melbourne, Australia
2020                  System Control Engineer at Skytree, Amsterdam

9. Dr. Riccardo Zaffaroni (22nd June 2017, with Reek)
Title: Second coordination sphere effects in [FeFe]Hydrogenase mimics
2018 -                Postdoc at TU Delft / E-Stone Batteries, Delft

10. Dr. Christophe Rebreyend (22nd June 2018, with de Bruin)
Title: The Radical-type Chemistry of Rhodium and Iridium Complexes with 'Non-innocent' Nitrido and PNN Pincer Ligands
2019 -                Postdoc at TU Delft

11. Klaas van Leest (3rd December 2020, with de Bruin)
Title: Open-Shell Cobalt Complexes with Redox-Active Ligands: Electronic structure and nitrene transfer reactivity
2021 -                Postdoc at Hong Kong University (Che Group)

Postdoctoral Fellows University of Amsterdam

Dr. Marc Devillard (2015-2016)*        (now charge de recherche CNRS at Univ. Rennes, France)
Dr. Bidraha Bagh (2015-2016)*         (now assistant professor at NISER Bhubaneswar, India)
Dr. Zhijong Guo (2015-2016)*            (now assistant professor at Fuzhou University, China)
Dr. Biswajit Saha (2014) (EMINTE)*   (now scientist at CSIR-NEIST Jorhat, India)
Dr. Ties Korstanje (2014-2015)$        (now VENI postdoc at UvA, Netherlands)
Dr. Andrea Pascui (2014-2015)*        (now senior scientist at Johnson Mathey R&D, United Kingdom)
Dr. Sofia Derossi (2012)*                     (now project manager at NWO, Netherlands)
Dr. Yann Gloaguen (2011-2012)*      (now patent attorney at Osha Liang, France)
Dr. Arnaud Perrier (2011)*                  (now high school teacher, France)
Dr. Michel Ferreira (2010)*                  (now assistant professor at Univ. Artois, France)
Dr. Rick Bauer (2010)*                         (now product manager at 3M, Canada)      
Dr. Ronald Lindner (2009-2010)*  

MSc. Students University of Amsterdam

Melle de Groot (2020)
Yara Djaidoen (2020)
Nicole van Leeuwen (2019)#
Dieuwertje Modder (2019)^    
Pieter Laan (2019)#
Imme Schuringa (2018)   
Vera Deij (2018)  
Klaas van Leest (2016)#
Marianne Lankelma (2016)#
Bas van Dijk (2015)ǂ   
Raoul Plessius (2015)# 
Richard van Heck (2014)
Rogier Kox (2014)   
Lambert Baij (2014)#     
Dirk Zant (2013-2014)#
Martijn Newsum (2012)     
Lianne Jongens (2012)  
Sandra de Boer (2011)#  
Mark Rong (2010)ǂ
Bart van den Bosch (2009)#                              

#   went on to pursue a PhD at University of Amsterdam
ǂ     went on to pursue a PhD elsewhere in the Netherlands (VU Amsterdam)
^    went on to pursue a PhD abroad (EPFL)

BSc. and Exchange Students University of Amsterdam

Ramandeep Singh (2018)
Manuel Nieuwdorp (2017) 
Sylvia Battcock (2016) (Erasmus)  
Lara Polak (2016)^
Danny Kroon (2016)
Stefan la Rooij (2014)^
Lotte Metz (2014)#
Lotte van Rees (2014)^   
Melanie Chévry (2013) (Erasmus)     
Wesley Jacobs (2012) 
Daan den Boer (2011) 
Lukas Wolzak (2010)#

#       went on to pursue a PhD at University of Amsterdam
^       went on to pursue a PhD abroad (Edinburgh, Univ Vienna)



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