
Anna Sarah Krämer

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+49 441 798-4325  (F&P

Our plan for climate action

Sustainability in the plan from the university

In 2016, we made a plan. The plan says:

  • What are all the important issues for our university?
  • What goals do we want to achieve?

Sustainability is a very important goal in the plan.

About our research
in the field of sustainability

We have defined focal points in the plan: In which focal areas do we want to do a particularly large amount of research for sustainability? These are the focal points:


There are many different animals and plants on earth. And the landscape is also different. There are, for example: Forests, deserts and moors. It is important to preserve a lot. There is also a lot to explore in the oceans. That's why the focus is on biodiversity and marine sciences.


People need energy for many things. For example:

  • Many cars run on petrol.
  • Many appliances need electricity.
  • Many heaters need oil or gas.

Energy can be made from coal, natural gas, oil or nuclear power. But that is bad for the climate. That's why we are researching energy that is better for the climate. That's why the focus is called: Energy of the Future.

In the priority areas, we conduct research on these topics in particular:


Coasts are changing due to climate change. We are investigating:

  • What can be done for coastal sustainability?
  • How can people live there for a long time?
  • How can we protect nature and animals on land and in the sea?

Climate and society

People in Germany are noticing climate change. We investigate: What do people need to change in their lives? For example:

  • Companies and factories should work in a way that is better for the climate. For example: with different electricity.
  • Customers should buy things that are better for the climate. For example: straws made of glass and not plastic. The straws can be reused.

People, nature and technology

New technology can help with climate protection. We are investigating:

  • How can people use technology well to protect nature?
  • How can knowledge be shared with others?

Research and everyday life

In research, different experts should work together. We need to ask ourselves in research: how can research be used in everyday life?

For example: We are doing research on coastal protection. We have to think about: How can our results be used? For example, we might make recommendations on what should be changed in a place for coastal protection.

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