
Anna Sarah Krämer

Office of the Board  (» Postal address)

ÖCO 1-160 (» Adress and map)

+49 441 798-4325  (F&P

This is what we have planned

Our goals for climate protection

All decisions have an impact on the climate. This also applies to decisions at the university. For example:

  • What do the researchers travel with?
  • What does the administration buy for the offices?

We have an important goal: nothing should be bad for the climate any more. This is called: climate neutral. The law states: The university must be climate neutral by 2045. We decided in 2022: We want to achieve this by 2030. Many other universities in Germany have the same goal.

Our plan for climate protection

In 2022, the university made a plan for climate protection: How do we want to manage to be climate neutral by 2030?

For this purpose, there was a working group: Climate Neutral University. All university employees were able to make suggestions. For the plan, the group investigated: In which areas can the university do something for climate protection?

1. energy and buildings

What kind of energy should the university use that is better for the climate? What should the buildings be like so that the energy can be used well?

2. campus

The area of a university is called campus. What can we do on campus to protect the climate?

3. everyday travel

How should students, researchers and staff travel in everyday life?

4. travel abroad

What should researchers use when travelling abroad?

5. purchasing and waste

What does the university buy? How does it take care of waste?

More information on these areas can be found at: The university as an institution

6. research, studies and teaching

What should the university do in terms of research? What subjects should it offer? What information about climate protection do students get in class?

More information about teaching can be found under:

Teaching: How do we teach sustainable issues?

Note on food:

What we eat is also important for climate protection. Many students eat in a canteen at the university. However, the canteen is not owned by the university. That is why the university has not included the area of food in the plan.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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