Centre for Migration, Education and Cultural Studies

Cooperation with the CMC

Based on an interest in critically examining the practices of differentiation that are significant for people and the resulting power relations, privileges and discrimination, and in reflecting on and working on them as part of (its own) educational practice, the Diversity Conscious Social Pedagogy group is involved in the activities of the Centre for Migration, Education and Cultural Studies.

Within the framework of the CMC's work, the diversity of orders of difference and belonging in migration contexts and their (subjectifying) effects become the topic from an inter- and transdisciplinary perspective. The aim of the cooperation between the CMC and the specialist group Diversity-conscious Social Pedagogy is to shape power-reflective discourses on categories of difference for pedagogical and academic practice through the synergy of resources and to explore and exchange questions and ideas for changing discriminatory structures and conditions.

More about the CMC

More information on the CMC can be found here:

Centre for Migration, Education and Cultural Studies


(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p84486en
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