For parents and caregivers

Dear parents and caregivers,

on the following page we have provided some information about the EuLe-F project for you. We hope you enjoy learning about it.

Best regards from the EuLe-F team!

In order to capture the emergent literacy skills of children in the age range of four to seven years and to support them in the best possible way, we are developing a tablet-based assessment app (EuLeAPP©) with integrated support offers as part of the EuLe-F project.

Why is it important that my child's early storytelling and reading skills are already supported in preschool?
A child's enrollment in school is not the zero hour of literacy acquisition. Interest in books, writing and letters is present in children long before they enter school. These preparatory skills play an important role in the child's future academic performance and social-emotional development.

What does my child get out of participating in the project?
By participating in the project, your child will have the opportunity to explore the world of words, sentences and letters through play. In addition, it experiences language and writing in everyday life in a creative way. Both prepare your child optimally for the start of the acquisition of written language at school.

Do I also benefit if my child takes part in the project?
Yes! You will receive regular feedback from us about your child's results. In addition, we will be happy to give you suggestions on how you can further support your child's emergent literacy skills at home.

(Changed: 23 Jan 2025)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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