Ocean Energy - Lisbon

Contact - Specialisation Ocean Energy

Programme Management

Prof. José Alberto Falcão de Campos
M.Sc. organisation & steering committee

Programme Coordination

Prof. Luís Gato
Instituto Superior Técnico
Campus Alameda
Avenida Rovisco Pais, 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
Tel. +351 218 417 411


Address of the University

Instituto Superior Técnico
Campus Alameda
Avenida Rovisco Pais, 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal

Ocean Energy - Lisbon

Specialisation in Ocean Energy at IST Lisbon, Portugal

Offering Department and Institutions

Instituto Superior Técnico is the school of Science, Technology and Engineering of the University of Lisbon and the largest engineering school in Portugal. Instituto Superior Técnico is member of EUREC since 2011 and part of EUREC Master since 2012. Instituto Superior Técnico has been involved for a long time in research and education activities in renewable energy. Ocean energy research is carried at the IDMEC, MARETEC and CENTEC research centres, in close connection with the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Wave Energy Centre, an independent association involving 11 companies, 2 R&D institutions and IST. Wave energy has been subject of research for more than three decades, and recently tidal marine currents and offshore wind technologies also became a topic of research. Experience of staff in teaching ocean energy systems dates from 2004 in the Wavetrain (2004-08), Wavetrain2 (2008-2012) and OceaNET (2013-2017) Marie Curie Research Training Networks and in specialized courses on wave energy organized by ASME International Petroleum Technology Institute (2009, 2010 and 2012).

Research activities in Ocean Energy at IDMEC and MARETEC

  • Prof. António Falcão, Prof. Luís Gato, Prof. José Maria André, Prof. João Henriques
    Hydrodynamics and control of wave energy converters; moorings; self-rectifying air turbines; wave energy resource.
  • Prof. António Sarmento
    Conceptual design, hydrodynamics and control of wave energy devices; site characterization; resource assessment; economic aspects; non-technological issues.
  • Prof. J.A.C. Falcão de Campos, Dr. João Baltazar
    Hydrodynamics of marine current turbines and offshore wind energy. Design and analysis methods with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).

Research facilities

  • Irregular wave flume (20mx0.6mx0.5m)
  • Tests rig for air turbines
  • Codes for numerical modelling of wave energy conversion, including WAMIT commercial code
  • Extensive specialized documentation
  • Access to the Pico (Azores) 400 kW wave energy demonstration plant via the Wave Energy Centre (owner of the plant).

Venue, Location

The Instituto Superior Técnico has two campuses: The Alameda campus located in the Lisbon city centre and the campus in Taguspark in Oeiras, about 20 km from the Alameda campus.
Alameda campus: Av. Rovisco Pais, 1/1049-001 Lisbon/Portugal
Taguspark campus: Av. Prof. Doutor Aníbal Cavaco Silva/2744-016 Porto Salvo/Portugal

Teaching - Specialisation Ocean Energy

Module Handbook

Download Module Handbook Specialisation Ocean Energy


Module CP Content
Ocean Energy Resources  6
  • Introduction to the ocean enviroment
  • Ocean surface waves
  • Ocean tidal currents
  • Ocean thermal energy conversion
  • Ocean salinity gradient energy resource
  • Site selection and characterization for ocean energy systems
Modelling and Control of Ocean Energy Systems (OES) 6
  • Wave energy sytems
  • Marine current turbines
  • Other types of energy systems 
Ocean Energy Systems Technologies 7.5
  • Power take-off systems
  • Mooring and anchoring systems
  • Farm layout
  • Offshore electrical grid and connection systems
  • Operation and maintenance of ocean energy devices
  • Offshore operations
  • Maritime safety issues
Economics, Policy and Enviroment 4.5
  • Policy issues
  • Licensing & permitting
  • Economic analysis of marine farms
  • Environmental and socio-economic impact assessment and monitoring of marine farms
Project 6
  • Resource characterization
  • Site selection
  • Conceptual system development 
  • Licensing procedure
  • Enviromental impact
  • Economic analysis


Regulations - Specialisation Ocean Energy

Examination regulations

Please click to open the examination regulations for the specialisation in Ocean Energy.

Student Support - Specialisation Ocean Energy


The majority of the students live in houses, flats (apartments) or rooms in private accommodation and share it with other colleagues.
A room in a private home costs about 300 € per month (utility expenses included) and students may have to pay for 2 months rent in advance. Meals are not included. An apartment with dining room, kitchen, bathroom and 2 rooms may cost around 500 € / 750 € per month but will include a one year rental contract. An apartment of this type can be shared with 3 other students.
The Mobility and International Cooperation Office has selected a few apartments in which a student may rent a room:

For accommodation related questions, contact gracapereira@ist.utl.pt 

International Students Office

The Mobility and International Cooperation Office—NMCI coordinates the participation of IST in several international mobility programmes and networks. The office also provides assistance to mobility students, researchers and staff helping them integrate in the School, in academic life and, in particular, in the Portuguese society (accommodation, visas, opening bank accounts, etc). This work is carried out in cooperation with other offices and units, such as the Tutoring and NAPE.
More detailed information can be found at nmci.ist.utl.pt

Núcleo de Mobilidade e Cooperação Internacional (NMCI)
Instituto Superior Técnico
Campus Alameda
Avenida Rovisco Pais, 1, 1049-001 Lisboa
Tel. +351 218 417 362
Fax. +351 218 419 280

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