Specialisation Semester

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Application and Administration Support

+49 (0)441-798 3544

Programme Coordinator

Edu Knagge


Mon - Thu

PPRE/EMRE (Core Oldenburg)

Dr. Herena Torio
Programme Manager

+49 (0)441-798-3546


Prof. Dr. Carsten Agert

University of Oldenburg
School of Mathematics and Science
Institute of Physics
D-26111 Oldenburg

Specialisation Semester

Specialisation Semester

EUREC students will leave the Core university in the beginning of February and continue their studies at a specialisation university of their choice.

Unfold the sections below to find the learning objectives in each of the specialisations.

Wind Energy - Athens, Greece

The objective of the Wind Specialisation is to qualify students for employment in the rapidly growing international wind energy sector. The learning outcomes comprise technical knowledge in the areas of wind potential, aerodynamics, loading on wind turbines, electrical engineering, plant control systems as well as economic and scientific environmental knowledge. Furthermore, the students develop skills in the application of simulation tools and in the analysis of problems in the design of wind turbines and the planning of wind parks. 

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Ocean Energy - Lisbon, Portugal

The specialisation semester in Ocean Energy provides the students with technical knowledge in the area of ocean energy and a comprehensive understanding of the role of marine technology in the energy sector. It involves a sound understanding of the role of ocean renewable energy technologies in the energy sector as well as a good technical knowledge on the different ocean renewable energy technologies that are and will be contributing to energy supply. This covers the evaluation of the resource, conversion processes, the performance of systems in operation and tools for simulation and design. Furthermore, the students will acquire the ability to make an economic evaluation of the profitability and competitiveness of marine renewable energy projects.

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Photovoltaics - Newcastle, UK

The specialisation semester in Photovoltaics provides the students with technical knowledge in the design and fabrication of photovoltaic cells and their use in a range of photovoltaic systems. This will equip the students with the necessary skills to enter a range of careers in the photovoltaics industry. On completing the course, the students will have a good technical knowledge of advanced solar cell concepts and their possible impact on the development of the technology. They acquire the ability to design photovoltaic systems for a wide range of applications, and knowledge of the methods for assessing and ensuring the performance of the system. The students are able to appreciate the policy issues relating to renewable energy, particularly photovoltaics. They have a sound understanding of the principles of economic and environmental assessment informing those issues as well as of the design, operation and fabrication of the photovoltaic cell. They are able to apply that knowledge in the development of commercial devices. The course also provides the opportunity to complete a small PV system design project and develops skills in literature review and presentations. Whichever area of photovoltaics is chosen for their career, the student will have a good appreciation of the technology and implementation from the initial cell design to the operation of the system.

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Solar Thermal - Perpignan, France

The learning outcomes in the Solar Thermal specialisation include sound knowledge in the major application areas of application:

  • low temperature processes: district/building solar heating and cooling, micro-generation
  • high temperature processes: solar power plant (electricity) and solar chemistry (solar fuels)

Students acquire specific skills with regard to radiative heat transfer and its interaction between matter and/or fluid flow, the optimal integration of sub-systems leading to efficient and economically viable processes, and consequently the multi-scale modelling of solar systems taking into account the variability of both resource and load. In this framework, the offered knowledge focuses on advanced issues of solar thermal resources, heat and mass transfer, thermodynamics, simulation tools, process design, optimisation and control. Special attention is paid to concentrated solar systems and their related thermal energy storages. Additionally, students develop skills on economic indicators and are able to perform economic evaluation of the profitability and competitiveness of solar projects. The aim of the Solar Thermal specialisation is to qualify students as R&D engineers or project managers in the international growing solar industry.

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Grid Integration - Zaragoza, Spain

The learning outcomes of the specialisation Grid Integration include knowledge of technologies of distributed grids and the system integration of Renewable Energy. On completing the course, students are expected to acquire a wide vision of the electric grid. This includes knowledge and skills about the development of projects and studies for installations, the feasibility of renewable generation integration into the present grid and the future distributed generation grid as well as knowledge of the potential uses that electronic and communication applications bring to distributed generation and analyses of application possibilities on a global and local scale. The students know regulations regarding renewable energies and distributed generation and are able to apply laws and standards referred to the grid connection. They are familiar with the application and development of R&D projects and/or investments in the energy sector, and have knowledge of the main enterprises, working groups and associations to collaborate with. The Grid Integration specialisation is designed to promote technologies for distributed generation and the integration of Renewable Energy. Particular attention is paid to the transdisciplinary knowledge transfer between enterprises and research institutions in order to contribute to a sustainable development from an environmental, economic and social point of view.

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Sustainable Fuel Systems - Groningen, Netherlands

On the completion of the specialisation Specialisation Sustainable Fuel Systems for Mobility the students have an overview of sustainable fuels and fuel markets within legal and socio-economic contexts, with a focus on issues in mobility. They have an overview and good understanding of the processes for sustainable fuel production and are able to apply theory and physical/mathematical concepts for modelling and optimisation of sustainable fuel production and supply chains with a focus on mobility applications. The students are able to do experiments with thermal conversion and biofuel production, to evaluate technologies for production and supply as well as to cooperate, to communicate and to integrate, turning problems into solutions within project teams.

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Student Experience Reports


  • Student Experience Report by Charles Brigden, Australia (EUREC 2017/18)
  • Student Experience Report by Laure Hebert, France (EUREC 2017/18)

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  • Student Experience Report by Oriol Raventós, Spain (EUREC 2017/18)

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  • Student Experience Report by Kashish Shah, India (EUREC 2017/18)
  • Student Experience Report by Koen Vanacker, Belgium (EUREC 2017/18)

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(Changed: 07 Oct 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p56332en
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