Sustainable Fuel Systems - Groningen

Contact - Specialisation in Sustainable Fuel Systems

Programme Manager

Mr. ing. G. Kuiken
Phone number: (+31) 50 595 4567

For general information, please send an e-mail to:

Postal address

Hanzehogeschool Groningen
Institute of Engineering
Zernikeplein 11
9747 AS Groningen
The Netherlands

Sustainable Fuel Systems - Groningen

Specialisation in Sustainable Fuel Systems, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, Netherlands

The University

EUREC selected Hanze UAS to be the first University of Applied Sciences to offer the Master in Renewable Energy, because of its good facilities and research in the field of energy.  It boasts extensive professional and academic networks both in and outside the Netherlands. The North of the Netherlands has sublime expertise on energy transition. With many years of experience in gas transitions, this part of the country is a true energy region and has a huge national and international energy network. Hanze UAS is situated in the centre of this energy valley; it is the top sector in energy. The European Master in Renewable Energy is linked to the Energy Academy Europe. This is a collaboration between Hanze UAS, the University of Groningen (RUG), Energy Valley, the municipal and province of Groningen. Top education, top research and business come together in this Energy Academy Europe. For more information visit

Research Activities

Hanze University of Applied Sciences Energy Research Center is the biggest knowledge institute in the north of the Netherlands. The focus is on strategic themes: Healthy, Ageing and Energy. Professorships and schools are carrying out applied research, bringing discoveries into development.
Fossil energy is increasingly scarce and does not help to reach the goals of reducing CO2 production. Renewable energy is not predictable. How to develop new energy systems that can meet the demand?
The Energy Research Center was founded in 2005 and led by Dr. Wim van Gemert, Professor in Energy transition. His philosophy is that the people in power support consumers in their energy needs and in an increasingly sustainable manner.

Subjects of research to make this happen are:

  • Balancing at the house level, smart appliances, demand side management
  • Smart electricity grid
  • Co-generation appliances, balancing with gas
  • Balancing at neighbourhood level
  • Conversion options with Hydrogen
  • Balancing with biogas
  • Energy storage

Some major projects running recently can be found on
EnTranCe is the hotspot from Hanze University to carry out applied sciences for businesses and innovations. It has the facilities, technologies and the best possible network to develop plans into the energy products and services, and the energy market demands.

Venue, location

Hanze UAS is located in Groningen, a lively student city in the north east of the Netherlands, 40 kilometres from the German border and ca 180 kilometres from Amsterdam. Of its 190.000 inhabitants, almost 30% are students.

Teaching - Specialisation in Sustainable Fuel Systems

Module Handbook

Download Module Handbook


Module CP Content
Physics and Fuels 5 Theory
  • ideal vs real gas, equations of state, compressibility
  • heat transfer
  • cryogenics (Joule-Thomson)
  • combustion technology (incl. engines and emissions)
  • fuels (properties/flow/storage)
  • additives
  • compression
  • storage
  • Aspen Plus
Sustainable Fuel System Design 5
  • Supply chain concepts: Material Flow Analysis, Life Cycle Cost of Energy
  • Sustainability: concepts, Primary Energy Input Output Ratio, greenhouse gas emission saving, well-to-wheel analysis (WTT, TTW, WTW)
  • Theory on LP, MILP, sensitivity analysis, Monte Carlo
  • MATLAB modeling
Bioenergy Conversion 10 Biochemical Conversion:
  • Basic biochemistry
  • Biochemical conversion technologies

Thermochemical conversion

  • Basic properties of biomass feedstocks- and -derived energy carriers
  • Basics of thermochemical conversion processes
  • Specific technology solutions for pyrolysis, gasification and combustion

The Production and Use of Biofuels: An Aspen Programming Assignment

Power2Hydrogen 5


  • Overview power-to-hydrogen supply chain
  • electrochemistry basics
  • batteries
  • electrolysis: theory and electrolyser design
  • fuel cells: theory and design


  • Electrolyser measurements
  • Adsorption (storage) measurements
New Business Development 5 Different sustainable fuel systems can be developed, each with its own characteristics and thus its own market, depending on the requirements that certain consumer segments will have. The final goal of this module is to investigate and present one of these sustainable fuel systems in the form of a business concept, including advantages and disadvantages when compared to other fuel systems.

Regulations - Specialisation in Sustainable Fuel Systems

Examination Regulations

Please find the Examination Regulations here

Student Support - Specialisation in Sustainable Fuel Systems


International students due to study at Hanze UAS in Groningen can apply for furnished accommodation through SSH.
SSH (International st​udent houses) is a non-profit housing association and is our preferred supplier for short stay rooms. It tries to find suitable accommodation for a reasonable price. SSH has several international student houses with all together almost 1200 furnished rooms, most of them with shared facilities. In each student house there will be a (Dutch) student manager. He or she is your first contact before you arrive in your room and will welcome you in the building as soon as you arrive. Most of them will live in the same house as you are living in. You can rent a room in an international student house for the maximum period of 12 months. After this period you will have to find a room yourself.
Before you can apply for a room you have to register at The International Student Office of Hanze UAS will be asked to confirm the registration. After confirmation you will be able to apply for a room. We confirm on the condition that you are a new student, and that you are either accepted or provisionally accepted.

For accommodation related questions, contact: 

International Students

As a prospective international student you are on the doorstep of a great adventure: studying and living in the Netherlands. Although this is an amazing experience, it can be quite difficult finding your way through the rules and regulations, from applying for a study programme until your journey to the Netherlands. The International Student Office (ISO) will assist you from start to finish.
We can help you with the application and admission procedure and the practical matters, such as finding accommodation in Groningen, getting the right insurance, obtaining a visa, obtaining residence and work permits.

International Student Office
Phone number: (+31) 50 595 56 00

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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