"Only when the university incorporates the tangible and intangible legacy of its female researchers into its institutional memory, continuously rewrites this legacy through the practice of remembrance and keeps it alive through critical discourse, can the young female academics who teach today be truly inspired by role models who are and will continue to be visible."

Anne G. Kosfeld, Central Equal Opportunities Officer


From the scholars’ room to the lecture hall

Oldenburg’s female scientists through the ages

The historical and biographical touring exhibition “From the scholars’ room to the lecture hall. Oldenburg’s female scientists through the ages” pays homage to the pioneers of academic careers. Personal items, documents and writings reveal unusual and impressive career paths that had to be fought for and often forged without female role models.

“A job for women...?!” Science & Equality at the University of Oldenburg 1986-2009

What motivated female students, researchers and staff at the University of Oldenburg in the 1980s and 1990s and what has changed since then? Why are women still underrepresented when it comes to leading tenured professorships, especially in the natural sciences?

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