
Main Areas of Research

- quantitative models of elementary cognitive processes (multisensory integration, cognitive control)

- measurement and analysis of reaction times (eye movements)

- modeling choice behavior (random utility theory)

- measurement of dissimilarity (dissimilary cumulation theory)

- graph-theoretic approaches (tree structures)

- speech recognition (hearing aids)

Current Research Projects

Handling Visual Distration, Munich Center of Advanced Study (CAS) (Research Group, Hermann Müller, LMU).

Modeling response inhibition: Stop-signal paradigm (with A. Diederich, Jacobs University Bremen) DFG project, 2021-2023

Multisensory integration: Time-window-of-integration modeling (with A. Diederich, Jacobs University Bremen)

Fechnerian Scaling (with E. N. Dzhafarov, Purdue University)

Past Research Projects

On the impact of audiovisual integration on acoustic communication in hearing impaired adults, together with A Gieseler, S Rosemann, C Thiel, 01/2018-12/2019:  supported by Hearing Industry Research Consortium (IRC)

Subjective dimensions of visual-auditory object formation [Subjektive Dimensionen visuell-auditorischer Objektbildung] Teilprojekt B4-Sonderforschungsbereich/DFG SFB/TRR31 "Active Listening"

Internationales DFG-Graduiertenkolleg "Neurosensory Systems and Science"

Sokrates/Erasmus Intensive Program (IP-Project 28629-IC-1-2004-1-UK-Erasmus-IPUC-1) on “Mathematical and Computational Models in the Psychological Sciences (MCMPS)”

Integrated Modeling for Safe Transportation (IMoST): Human Modeling

Regular minimality principle in relation to decision making and categorization  (with E.N. Dzhafarov, Purdue University, and A. Diederich, Jacobs University) - AFOSR

Fechnerian Scaling: Metric from Discriminability (with E.N. Dzhafarov, Purdue University) - NSF

A reverse correlation approach toward revealing oscillatory mechanisms in reaction times to multisensory stimulation (with A. Diederich, Jacobs University) - Tandemprojekt in NOWETAS

Experimental and theoretical investigation of spatial and temporal rules of multisensory integration [Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchung räumlicher und zeitlicher Regeln der multisensorischen  Integration]  (DFG DI 506/8-1,  with Prof. Dr. Adele Diederich, Jacobs University Bremen, PI

DFG-Projekt "Experimentelle Prüfung einer neuen Begründung der Fechnerschen Psychophysik am Beispiel der Lautheitsmessung" [Experimental test of a new foundation of Fechnerian psychophysics: loudness measurement]; 11/1999 - 11/2001.

Multidimensional Fechnerian Scaling: Metric from Discriminability. TransCoop-Program (Humboldt Foundation, Prof. E. N. Dzhafarov, Purdue University

Visual- auditory interaction with simple or directed manual responses and saccadic eye movements. Projekt C3 im Sonderforschungsbereich 517 "Kognitive Leistungen und ihre neuronalen Grundlagen" ["Neurocognition"], Universitaeten Bremen/Oldenburg; 1996-2001.

"Visual - tactile Interaction in human orientation behavior". DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm Sensomotorische Integration 1/98-12/01 Gestalt vs. analytic cognition: An investigation through mental chronometry: German-American Commission on Collaborative Research/DAAD. (with Prof. James T. Townsend, Indiana University,Bloomington); 1992-1996.

DFG-Graduiertenkolleg zu "Psychoakustik und Laerm" [Psychoacoustics and Noise], 1992- 2000

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