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Marine Science

Students get Information on Plastics in the Sea

Initially, about 40 students of the Wilhelmshaven comprehensive school (IGS) informed themselves on marine litter at ICBM. Later on, the young…

Marine Science

Signal substances make corals put down roots

Any stone coral, creator of giant reef structures such as the Great Barrier Reef near Australia, began its life as a tiny floating larva. ICBM…

Marine Science

Live-Chat with RV SONNE

Still until 13 February, German RV SONNE is on research cruise again in the Pacific Ocean. The current mission, headed by ICBM staff, started from the…

Marine Science

Heavy Surface Layer Floats on Top

A gossamer pellicle, frequently observed on marine surfaces, often is more saline than the underlying bulk water in the tropical Pacific, despite the…

Marine Science

No Storm in a Water Glass…

… but fully grown breaker waves at the currently world’s largest wave flume near Hanover knocked over humans – in the service of science.

Marine Science

Marine archaea get an “extra income” from unexpected sources

Thaumarchaeota are able to utilize simple organic nitrogen compounds, such as cyanate or urea, as an additional energy and nitrogen source. This is…

Marine Science

New Building for Sensor Technology in Wilhelmshaven

The building complex of ICBM at its Wilhelmshaven site will grow about 600 square metres in usable floor space. The new part of the building is…

Marine Science

ICBM once again at the Jade Career Day

Numerous prospective students informed themselves at the Jade University of Applied Sciences about academic and professional career chances last…

Marine Science

Litter Recognition from a Distance

Plastic litter on the ocean surface can be identified and categorized from a distance by a new measuring method on the basis of infrared radiation.…

Marine Science

Eddy's Coming Home

GPS equipped electronic drifters, affectionately called „Eddies“ by ICBM Research Group Marine Sensors staff, shall help to investigate the…

Marine Science

Ocean Plastics Lab in Berlin

In Germany, the Ocean Plastics Lab may be visited until 29 October on the river Spree near the Reichstag building. Berlin is the sixth stop of the…

Marine Science

Striebel awarded „Prize for excellent Research“

This year, Dr. Maren Striebel is one of two laureates awarded the „Prize for excellent Research“, sponsored by the University Society Oldenburg (UGO)…

Marine Science

Professor Heribert Cypionka’s retirement celebrated

On 1 October, the head of ICBM research group Paleoecology, Prof. Dr. Heribert Cypionka, retired after 26 years at the University of Oldenburg. Since…

Marine Science

Marine Pathogens in Climate Change

Rising water temperatures bear an increasing risk for pathogenic germs in marine environments. The German-French project ENVICOPAS, headed by Gunnar…

Marine Science

Chemistry Prize awarded to former ICBM staff member

The former member of the ICBM research group Marine Geochemistry, Dr. Anika Pohlabeln, was recently awarded the renowned Paul Crutzen Prize.…

Marine Science

Degradation products of life in different waterbodies more uniform than previously thought

The oceans contain huge amounts of carbon, originating from the degradation of living organisms and their excretions. The structure of these carbon…

Marine Science

To draw on unlimited resources, dyed blue

Some small blue copepods in the nutrient rich thin layer at marine surfaces apparently protect themselves against sun and visibility by predators by…

Marine Science

"Mouse-Team" at ICBM

German famous children’s TV programme „Broadcast with the Mouse“ visited ICBM this week. On a story around marine litter, video shooting took place…

Marine Science

DFG Funding for Biodiversitists

Big success for German biodiversity scientists: The scientific project DynaCom, chaired by the head of ICBM research group Planktology and founding…

Marine Science

Prize Money for Info Campaign on Marine Litter

On 16 June, Prof. Dr. Joerg-Olaf Wolff and Ph.D. student Rosanna Schoeneich-Argent took part in the awards ceremony of the Barthel Foundation funded…

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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