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Marine Science

On the quest for Nemo’s clock

An international team around the doctoral candidates Gregor Schalm and Kristina Bruns investigated the behavioural and genetic basis of diel rhythms…

‘Staghorn coral‘ (Acropora millepora) at the age of a few weeks in a lab aquarium at the Wilhelmshaven site of ICBM [Image: Samuel Nietzer, ICBM].
Marine Science

Southern Summer in a Retort

At the lab aquarium facility of the ICBM research group Environmental Biochemistry, headed by Prof. Dr. Peter Schupp, Dr. Samuel Nietzer and Matthew…

Phytoplankton, a huge variety of forms [Images: Irina Olenina (Environmental Protection Agency & Marine Research Institute of the Klaipeda University, Klaipėda, Lithuania), Leonilde Roselli (Agency for the Environmental Prevention and Protection (ARPA Puglia), Lecce, Italy); Graphics: sri]
Marine Science

Importance of shape and form

It depends to a major degree on size and shape whether an organism manages to prevail in a given environment. Physicist Dr. Alexey Ryabov and…

Irreversible sea-level rise, dramatic weather events after passing certain tipping points? And the Earths surface temperatures, how much will they rise if the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is doubled? Current computer models fail in predicting these abrupt, potentially non-reversible changes. [Graphics: tipping elements in the Earth's climate system, based upon Lenton et al. (2008) (CodeOne (blank map), DeWikiMan (additional elements), CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons)]
Marine Science

Training the next generation of climate researchers

The Trans-European scientist training programme CriticalEarth is scheduled to start in March. At ICBM, the research group Theoretical Physics/Complex…

   Ecosystems in the ocean are threatened by pollutants from terrestrial sources. Marine mammals such as these melon-headed whales accumulate persistent organic pollutants in their blubber. Photo: NOAA on Unsplash (
Marine Science

"Marine organisms don't respect boundaries"

Marine biodiversity is threatened by climate change, pollution and overfishing. Biodiversity expert Helmut Hillebrand explains in this interview how…

The transition zone between land and sea is particularly dynamic on North Sea beaches with high waves and strong tidal ranges – also below the surface. Photo: University of Oldenburg
Marine Science

A dynamical world underground

The German Research Foundation is funding a new research group at the university. The DynaDeep project, led by hydrogeologist Gudrun Massmann, is…

Delighted to have been granted university funding: Dr. Bianca Liguori (l.) and Dr. Corinna Mori [Image: T. Struve, ICBM].
Marine Science

Two ICBM – scientists receive university funding

Dr. Bianca Torres Liguori Pires and Dr. Corinna Mori are the two young ICBM researchers to receive 24 months funding from the programme budget of the…

Only a small fraction of plastic litter floating in the seas ends up on the shores, as to be seen here at Unalau Bay, Hawaii. In future, scientists want to trace marine plastic litter by means of remote sensing to selctively organise cleanups, e.g. [Image: Sarah-Jeanne Royer].
Marine Science

Launch of international task force for remote sensing of marine debris

How can remote sensing technologies such as drones, airplanes and satellites support monitoring strategies to better understand the spread and…

Die einzelnen Sektionen eines der untersuchten Sedimentkerne. Da Letztere bis zu 30 Meter lang sein können, werden sie in der Regel zerlegt [Foto: Katharina Pahnke / Universität Oldenburg].
Marine Science

A jigsaw puzzle made of ancient dust

From a South Pacific expedition, a research team led by geoscientist Dr Torben Struve brought back a research object which had travelled far before…

A colleague of the project participating Laboratoire d'Océanographie in Villefranche-sur-mer (LOV), France, while deploying the RAMSES equipped float [Image: LOV].
Marine Science

First ICBM-Hyperspectral Float Deployed in the Mediterranean

Recently, scientists deployed a so-called BGC float of the ICBM research group Marine Sensorsystems in the Mediterranean, between Nizza and the island…

Fish, corals and more - Biodiversity in a coral reef [Image: Peter Schupp, ICBM]
Marine Science

Between lab bench and coral reefs

As of late, the ICBM research group Environmental Biochemistry presents itself in a video short portrait. Prof. Dr. Peter Schupp, head of the group,…

Fish, corals and more - Biodiversity in a coral reef [Image: Peter Schupp, ICBM]
Marine Science

Between lab bench and coral reefs

As of late, the ICBM research group Environmental Biochemistry presents itself in a video short portrait. Prof. Dr. Peter Schupp, head of the group,…

Marine Science

Are tipping points suitable concepts for developing environmental policies?

Environmental policy decisions are often based on so-called tipping points. A research team led by the biodiversity expert Helmut Hillebrand from the…

Marine Science

Diving buoys with "sharpened sight"

A new pilot study within the scope of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funded project DArgo2025 aims at diving buoys with…

Marine Science

Towards an improved montoring of pollutant releases at sea

In an EU Project headed by ICBM marine chemist Prof. Dr. Oliver Wurl, a German-French team of scientists is going to establish a monitoring network in…

Marine Science

Improved Monitoring of Pollutant Releases at Sea

In an EU Project headed by ICBM marine chemist Prof. Dr. Oliver Wurl, a German-French team of scientists is going to establish a monitoring network in…

Marine Science

How plastic litter ends up in the seas

A well-known glass recipient in the wrong place and wooden drifters brought together Dr. Rosanna Schöneich-Argent of the ICBM research group…

Marine Science

Slime Film

Slimy remnants and excretions of marine organisms form a wafer-thin surface layer almost everywhere on the global oceans. This delicate pellicle is…

Marine Science

Environmentally more friendly ships and more reliable measurements through „sea cucumber technology“?

Scientists of the ICBM research group Environmental Biochemistry, headed by Prof. Dr. Peter Schupp, investigate marine animals which manage to prevent…

Marine Science

8 June: UN World Oceans Day

In 1992, the Government of Canada proposed setting a World Ocean day during the so-called Earth Summit (United Nations Conference on Environment and…

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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