Dr Matthias Kellermann

RG Environmental Biochemistry

Dr Christoph Plum

RG Planktology

Marcus Prinz

RG Geoecology


Postdoctoral Representatives at the ICBM

We as PostDoc representatives at ICBM are contact persons for new PostDocs and questions of all kinds. Every few months we organize a meeting to get to know each other, to exchange ideas and to network better. PostDoc representatives are elected at both locations of the institute, Oldenburg and Wilhelmshaven.  

E-mail distribution list of all ICBM PostDocs

To subscribe or unsubscribe, please write to the PostDoc representatives listed here.

Next PostDoc Meeting

The next PostDoc Meeting will finally be in presence! We are planning a BBQ at the ICBM in Oldenburg, end of June, we will inform you as soon as we have a fixed date!


As the first point of contact for problems of all kinds, e.g. scientific misconduct, (sexual) discrimination and much more, we have ombudspersons in every status group of the ICBM, including the PostDocs.

Unfortunately, the following website is in german only, however, most if not all ombudspersons listed on this page speak english.

Website of the ombudspersons

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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