
  • Students working in the lab during their practical training [Photo: Dr. B. Engelen].

"Time Tunnel" Borehole

Recently, students of the ICBM study programme „Environmental Sciences“ completed their practical training on “Microbial Ecology”. The junior scientists were made familiar with work routines at the field site as well as in the lab by PD Dr. Bert Engelen and further scientific staff of the institute. The group started with obtaining a sediment core from Janssand, kind of a sand bar located near the southern shores of the island of Spiekeroog. This core shed light on, amongst others, almost 1,700 years of changeful history of this special spot on earth.

Recently, students of the ICBM study programme „Environmental Sciences“ completed their practical training on “Microbial Ecology”. The junior scientists were made familiar with work routines at the field site as well as in the lab by PD Dr. Bert Engelen and further scientific staff of the institute. The group started with obtaining a sediment core from Janssand, kind of a sand bar located near the southern shores of the island of Spiekeroog. This core shed light on, amongst others, almost 1,700 years of changeful history of this special spot on earth.

The students were also accompanied by Janneke Mertens-Fabian of the Innovative University Jade-Oldenburg for two days. She now has made available her experiences via blog which can be read  here (German only).

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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