Visualization of logistic regression models
Landscape ecology group - University of Oldenburg
PO Box 5634, D-26046 Oldenburg
Tel ++49 441 798 3345 - Fax ++49 441 798 5659
LR-Mesh is a Delphi program for the visualization of habitat models.
The program draws the response surface of a logistic regression model against two explanatory variables as a mesh.
- The response surface is calculated on the basis of a regression model that is pasted to a textbox
- Variables and axis ranges may be customized.
- Simple interaction terms may be included.
- The model result is corrected for each variable that is not displayed in the diagram (option).
- The pseudo-3D-diagram may be rotated around the z-axis and tilted.
- A reference point may be moved over the response surface indicating the predicted probability (z-value).
- The diagram may be saved as wmf-File.
- The graph can be displayed as a mesh or as a coloured surface.
System requirements:
- The program is compiled on a Windows NT-System. It may be run on Windows 98, NT or 2000 (R)
- The decimal separator must be a point! - Check the system properties.
- The program may be used by everyone without any licence fee.
Download - version 1_0_5 (Sep 2004, 225 kB): , instructions currently only in german
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