TABWIN {short description of image} A Windows program for phytosociological tables TABWIN is a computer program designed to manage two-dimensional vegetation sample tables. The increasing need of a practical tool to handle larger amounts of vegetation data in a tabular format like the one used by the Braun-Blanquet and other methodologies is met by the development of this software. Most important features of this PC-based application are its easy-to-use mouse-controlled on-screen table rearrangement and sorting functions. The data is stored in simple structured ASCII-files which can be manipulated using any common word processor software. Further features include: - data entry from field data sheets
- creation of phytosociological tables using any cover scale
- creating synoptic constancy tables using different class-formats
- taxonomical name database which facilitates and standardizes the data entry
- storage and selected display of ecological stand data for interpretation and sorting purposes
- graphical display of species abundance
- splitting and merging tables
- data evaluation using ecological indicator values (e.g. Ellenberg’s central-European „Zeigerwerte“)
- various printing options
- data export supporting different formats (MULVA, Cornell Condensed, TURBOVEG, JUICE) Based on a former DOS-version created and published by Dr. Cord Peppler-Lisbach in 1988 (TUEXENIA 8: 393-406) the program was redesigned and supplemented to run as a Windows application. Even though automated algorithms to sort tables according to phytosociological criteria are not the main purpose of the program, a newly developed classification tool has been added. The program is constantly under development trying to increasingly meet the users needs. Thus more useful features will be added in the future. wpe5.jpg (193680 Byte) For further information, please contact Dr. Cord Peppler-Lisbach TABWIN 3 Manual of TABWIN 3 (in German) Download TABWIN 3 NEW: TABWIN 4 New in version 4:

  • Extended import and export tools, easy data exchange with TURBOVEG.
  • Species coding compatible with TURBOVEG.
  • Defining different  species groups by tagging species. Sort on species groups.
  • Enhanced search function (species names, header data).

English version of the program: add /e to command line.
At the moment, the online-help is only available in German. English version in process....
Download TABWIN 4

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